Title: With Great Care Universe: G1 Rating: G Characters: First Aid, Groove, Blades, Hot Spot, Streetwise Content Advisory: dead animal Prompt: 3. Roadkill Notes: for the May 12, 2012 round at tf_speedwriting.
First Aid is just such a gentle, tender soul. he couldn't have left poor Bird there. thanks! i knew it had to be short and sweet, because otherwise it wouldn't fit on the rock, and i'm glad it worked! i was nervous when i put it down; short verse was never my forte.
Their naming a bird "Bird" is adorable. At moments like that, it's clear the Protectobots haven't had a chance to become jaded over millenia of war. You can see it in the hopeful afterlife they imagined for Bird.
they do, indeed, still have the innocence of youth for all that they've been tossed into the war with no other prep. i think it must be hard on the older Bots to see that in them, sometimes.
Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww! It doesn't help that I'm seriously sentimental about poor little dead animals, but that was kinda heart-wrenching and very cute.
thank you! he totally would, and any other poor animal on the side of the road too. thank you again! short verse isn't my forte, so i was a little nervous about it. <3
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