Two Drabbles

Oct 04, 2007 01:06

Title: Brownies
Word Count: 104
Challenge: Prompt 15
Rating: G
Characters/Pairings: George/Alex

“Ah Alex, what are you doing?” George asked as he took in the site before him.

The kitchen, Alex’s never used kitchen, was covered in flour with bowl, cup, spoon, and every thing else; it was just everywhere. And Alex, Alex was half covered in flour. It was in his hair on his shirt, just everywhere.

“Brownies, I’m making brownies. My mom used to make them when I was sick so…”

“What happed?”

“ You see it was the flour, it slipped and this cloud and dude it was cool you should have seen it.”

“…and the brownies?”

“Oven, what to lick the spoon?”

Title: Talk
Word Count: 93
Challenge: Prompt 16
Rating: PG
Characters/Pairings: George/Alex


“Don’t look at me this was you’re idea. I was fine with staying in bad,” Alex said drinking his coffee.

“Don’t you want to do more, date, talk, something anything other than sex?”

“No George sex is all I need, sex is all I want. If you want more fine. I’m here but I’m all for finishing this cup of coffee and taking you back to bed. If you want to talk then talk.”

George just looked at his own cup for a moment before looking back at Alex, “your plan works.”


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