
Sep 09, 2007 20:35

Title: Perfect
Pairing: George/Alex
Word Count: 673
Rating: PG-13
Status: Complete
Notes: Response to the phrase prompt ("Forget about it").
Note 2: I'm hoping this kind of fic is allowed. If it isn't, let me know.
Summary: It's the day following George and Alex's fight/almost-break-up and now that they're out to their coworkers, Callie and Addison watch from the sidelines, thinking about how much has changed since they found out.

PS ~ It isn't exactly how I planned it, but it's a sequel to Rumors, so I'd read that first since this takes place the following day.


Seattle Grace Hospital

Another normal day at Seattle Grace.


The hospital was literally buzzing at the news of Alex and George’s relationship, some of it not so pleasant. The gossip was hitting people the second they got out of their cars and Callie and Addison, wanting to warn their friends, called them before they got there. An hour later, the boys had walked past the main doors of Seattle Grace, shoulders brushing and fingers loosely laced. They hadn’t paid attention to their coworkers, too busy talking about God knows what.

Callie and Addison had known the second Izzie had found out, the screech was unmistakable. They pitied the people who had been in the room when she reached George and Alex, their ears were probably still ringing. And now, hours later as the boys sat on a bench, ignoring everything around them, the girls watched from their own lunch table.

Addison sat back, laughing softly when Izzie walked into the area, spotted the boys, and darted out.” How long do you think she’s gonna do that?”

Callie shrugged, watching as Alex kissed George’s temple before smirking smugly at his glaring coworkers. Freaking homophobes.

“You okay?” Addison asked.

Callie jerked her head towards the glaring doctors and nurses. “It’s pathetic. I mean, it’s the twenty-first century, people! Get over it! Japan has. They’re as thick-headed as Kuwabara.”

“Oh, not more Japan references. Do you and Alex ever stop?”

“Hey, I haven’t had anyone to talk anime with in ages. So sue me if I’m taking advantage of it.”

“Yeah, but I’m not Alex,” Addison pointed out.

“But you’re my only friend at the moment. The boys are busy.”

“So I’m a last resort to get tortured with references I don’t understand?”

“Basically, yeah.”

“As long as I have all the facts straight.”

Callie rolled her eyes, reaching over and snatching a French fry from Addison’s plate and munching quietly. “It amazes me sometimes.”

“What does?”

“How fast the two of them make up. Yesterday they’d broken up-”

“For a work shift.”

“-and today, they’re acting like it’s a normal day,” Callie continued, ignoring her friend’s interruption, “The make up sex must have been mind-blowing.”

“I think they blew more than each other’s minds.”

“Classy, Adds, classy.”

Addison smiled, turning her gaze to match her friend’s. “It is hard to imagine them apart, like for good, I mean. When we found out, I swear to God, I thought someone had slipped me something and I was on some kind of acid trip. And Alex isn’t nearly as annoying anymore.”

“George changed him. I mean, the kid still has issues-”


“-Oh, that’s just cruel.” Callie shook her head, smacking Addison lightly. Since they’d found out about the two, they had both noticed-like, really noticed-how much Alex really did hide. It was like he was surrounded by the Berlin Wall and George was the only thing that could break through. After they noticed that, it became almost frighteningly easy to read the former wrestler. One look and the girls would be able to know if it was a good day or a bad one, if Alex had had some kind of nightmare about his dad, if they’d woken up early for a quickie. The last one was probably the easiest-and the most common-the boys always forgot to fix their hair.

Addison smiled, snapping a quick picture of the two with the digital camera she’d brought that morning.

“Always true to your word, aren’t you?”

“You know it,” Addison said, looking at the screen of the camera, “Okay, that is so going on the internet.”

Callie snatched the camera, gently cooing, “Aw,” a second later. “Perfect.”

In the photo was George and Alex, leaning close, lips connected, George’s arms softly hanging over Alex’s shoulders, and his boyfriend’s hands clasped on his waist. In the background, Meredith and Cristina stood, small smiles gracing their faces.

Two more people on their side.

Callie was right.

It was perfect.

The End


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