Four Drabbles

Aug 11, 2007 14:00

So I was finally able to write stuff and here it is. I hope you like. I hop to have the next chapter of my Fic up by the mid/late part of the month.

Title: Sundays
Challenge: Rituals
Word Count: 93
Characters/Pairings: Alex/George
Rating: G

We do it every Sunday, every Sunday we both have off anyways. For the last six months every Sunday at four o’clock we shower separately Alex thinks we’ll be late if we don’t and clean up and after donning our best clotheAlex don’t listen when I say it doesn’t mater we head out stopping by the store for Alex to pick up a bottle of winewhich I told him he doesn’t need to do then at six on the dot, every week we can, we knock on my parents door for Sunday dinner.

Title: PAA
Challenge: Comfort
Word Count: 92
Characters/Pairings: Alex/George
Rating: PG

He’s a pompous arrogant ass. He thinks he’s god’s gift to everyone. He thinks he has to be right every time and when he’s not he pouts, not that he’d ever call it pouting or let any one else say it either. He’s also a bastard that loves throwing your faults in your face if you piss him off…or if he’s just in that mood. He’s rude and insensitive and doesn’t understand why every one said his bedside manner sucks. But still…he’s my pompous arrogant ass. And what an ass it is.

Title: Pet
Challenge: Image goldfish in Bowl
Word Count: 89
Characters/Pairings: Alex/George
Rating: G

“I don’t believe this, it has to go.”
“Alex I like.”
“Now George.”
“It’s the first thing that’s ours.”
“That thing has to go.”
“Come on Alex we can feed it and take care of it.”
“I’m going to kill it.”
“You can’t, the clerk said they’re next to imposable to kill they can live thought anything.”
“I’m killing it right now George.”
“But it’s defenseless, even you can’t kill a defenseless little gold fish.”
“Do you know how many of those things I swallowed for my Frat!…Do you!”

Title: It’s not that bad
Challenge: It’s not that bad
Word Count: 101
Characters/Pairings: Alex/George
Rating: PG

“It could be worse. This way we can keep on eye on both of them.”
“There is that but still its kind of weird.”
“No, it’s not that weird. It’s just two of are friend, dating that’s not new. People date people, especial at this hospital.”
“And that’s what makes it weird we’ve slept with them, well I sleep with Alex and you sleep with George but get the point.”
“Izzie it’s not that bad.”
“No what if Mcdream and Mcsteamy slept together.”
“O-that’s just freaking weird did you have-“
“See, they’re Alex and George.”
“…Which one of us is Addison.”


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