(no subject)

May 18, 2007 17:17

Title: Stalls
Pairing: George/Alex
Rating: R for sexual situations
Word Count: 461
Spoilers: None really.
A/N: I’ve been out of the swing of writing for the past couple of months. Just a little something to get me back on track. This wasn’t beta’d so all glaring errors are my fault!

Word Prompt: Fall

Summary: Just a new take on how they might have gotten started.


Alex remembers at the beginning of the program, back before Izzie and George had moved in with Meredith. Back when they weren’t The Interns and were just Stevens, Grey, Karev, Yang, and O’Malley.

George wouldn’t meet his eyes. Like a timid deer, his eyes flitted over ever space in a room except in Alex’s direction. Of course, Alex was used to it. He had been alpha male in almost any situation he walked into since high school and weight lifting.

So he was kind of surprised the first night they had all gone out to Joe’s together. George had gotten *really* drunk. And Alex was forced to help him make his way to the bathroom, which of course made O’Malley the biggest pussy that Alex had ever known. For a little guy, O’Malley was pretty heavy but Alex tried to ignore the weight of him pressing against his side as they pushed their way through the crowded bar. He definitely was ignoring the woodie that O’Malley was starting to sport.

The urinals were full up when they struggled through the door. A small guy with a receding hair line and cheap brown tie oogled the two of them. Alex shoved O’Malley away from him and glared at the guy.

George chuckled. “God, I can’t believe I was actually intimidated by you.”

Alex whipped around to glare. “Excuse me.”

George picked himself up from where he had stumbled against a sink. “I said you’re a pussy.”

Something had obviously short circuited Alex’s hearing. He shook his head to clear whatever was in that last shot that was clogging up his ears.

George walked over, loosing all but the barest hint of drunkenness from his gait. He kept coming forward until the Alex could smell the tequila on his breath.

Alex moved backwards, “Hey man.”

George smiled, the impish one that usually made him look young and innocent. “Oh come on! Big bad ass Karev?” He glanced over at the maybe claims adjuster, “Afraid of a little man in the toilet?”

Alex definitely wasn’t expecting it when George pressed him up against the stall door. He didn’t know how to deal with the feeling of another man’s erection pressing against his zipper.

And he would have been angry at George for tricking in here like this. And just in general for thinking that he would be at all interested.

But he was kind of too busy, greedily sucking at O’Malley…George’s tongue. Enjoying the thumping in his veins caused by the pressure of George’s hands that were simultaneously pushing him into the stall door and yet pulling their hips together.

He hadn’t been expecting George’s forwardness or how much he would enjoy it. But five months later…he wouldn’t have wanted it any other way.


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