Original: "Audience of One," Karen Everett/Lana Kent, Radiation Canary

May 13, 2013 15:14

This is just a fun little quickie for mmom, a scene I had in mind but doesn't really constitute a full Bonus Track. The novel had several mentions of Karen wanting to see Lana at work, but she never got to. This story explains how she got her wish and, at the same time, didn't have to embarrass herself in the process. :D

For those keeping track, this is Day 16 of MMOM. Over the halfway point! I'm starting to think I'll have to resort to cartoon characters before long. ~g~

Summary: Karen always wanted to see Lana's day job. Lana offers to give her the full experience. (1,328 words)

Audience of One
by Geonn Cannon
Copyright © 2013 Geonn Cannon

Lana had started spending the night at Karen's apartment with some frequency, often just catching rides to and from rehearsal with her. One night as Lana was getting ready for bed, shaking her ass to the music coming from the radio as she brushed her teeth, Karen stepped up behind her and began kissing her neck. Lana pressed back against her, grinding her hips as she smiled over her shoulder with the toothbrush sticking out of the corner of her mouth like a cigarette.

"I really wish I'd gotten the guts to go see you strip." Karen ran her hands over Lana's hips, up under her nightshirt, and kissed her neck. "Although if I could have been with you afterward, it might have just been too frustrating."

"Well, you can have me now. Too bad I quit stripping."

Karen said, "Yeah. Too bad." She understood the logic of it; a rising star couldn't exactly moonlight by taking her clothes off in a club. She patted Lana's stomach and kissed her ear, whispered for her not to take too long, and went to bed. Lana followed a few minutes later, shutting off the light and joining Karen under the blankets.

The next day they didn't have rehearsal so Karen spent it shopping and running errands. When she got home, she could hear the music through the door and frowned. Lana usually didn't listen to music that loudly, but it was definitely coming from their apartment. She let herself into the apartment and paused when she saw Lana standing next to the door in a black T-shirt, hip cocked and shoulders back to thrust out her chest.

"How you doin' today, darlin'?" Lana said in a slow drawl. "You got ID?"

Karen stared. "Uh." She handed her bags to Lana and fumbled for her wallet. She flipped it open and looked around. The music was coming from the living room, loud enough for neighbor complaints, but no one else was present. "Lana, what's going--"

"Thanks, sweetie. Have a nice time. Go on in, have a seat anywhere."

Karen cautiously entered the living room and saw Lana had placed one of the kitchen table chairs in front of the coffee table. A note was folded on the seat, and she looked over her shoulder as she picked it up. Lana was gone, most likely down the hall to their bedroom, and Karen unfolded it to find a brief note along with a fifty-dollar bill clipped to it.

Same rules apply
Hands to yourself
Private dances are fifty bucks.
Love, L"

Karen sat down and crossed her legs, transferring the fifty to the pocket of her blouse. She laced her fingers around her knee and listened to the music, waiting to see what her girlfriend had up her sleeve. She was ready to call out to ask if everything was okay when she heard Lana's voice coming from the bedroom door.

"Ladies and... lady... please welcome to the stage, the lovely... Jill!" She came out of the bedroom strutting, swinging her hips as she moved to stand in front of Karen's seat. She had changed into a pair of cut-off jean shorts and an impossibly tight white tank top that showed her black bra underneath. Her hair was tucked under a hard hat and, when she took it off and leaned forward, her hair tumbled out like a black waterfall.

Karen's cheeks became warm immediately, and she was suddenly glad she'd never subjected herself to this in a crowd of people. She would never have made it through an entire dance, especially if she'd gone before she and Lana became intimate. Lana strutted forward and put one hand on the back of the chair, leaning in so that her face was directly in front of hers.

"Manager says you requested a private dance..."

"Um..." Karen held up the fifty between two fingers. She glanced at Lana's cleavage and smiled as she slid the money into it. "That should be enough."

Lana grinned. "Just keep your hands to yourself and your eyes on me."


She pursed her lips in a kiss and backed up, hooking her hands in the pockets of her shorts as she spun to show off her ass. Karen still had her purse over one shoulder and reached into it, eyes on Lana as much as possible as she searched for her paper money. She found it in a side pocket, took out some singles, and used them to fan herself as Lana slid the denim over her ass and bent down to push them off. She stepped out of them, one long leg kicking them away. She wore a miniscule purple G-string underneath and she placed her hands on the V at the front as she rocked her hips suggestively.

Karen's free hand pushed against the front of her skirt, rubbing through the material as she watched Lana bump and sway. She crossed her arms, hooked her fingers under the hem of the shirt, and removed it in one swift twist. She spun it over her head before letting it fly, reaching back to unhook her bra and dispatch it with a flick of her wrist. She put her hands in her hair and moved closer to Karen's chair, glancing down at how hard her fingers were pressing down on her dress.

"That's actually frowned upon..."

"I don't care." She sounded breathless even to her own ears, and she swallowed hard before forcing a smile.

Lana winked at her and turned around, circling her hips before she sank down onto Karen's lap. Karen's arm was pinned between them, and she closed her eyes as Lana leaned back and began to grind. Karen started to move her free arm around Lana's waist to pull her closer, but she remembered the rules and put the hand in her own hair instead. She closed her eyes as Lana continued to grind on her, Karen's fingers rubbing faster as the music picked up.

"Gonna come?"

Karen leaned forward and rested her cheek on Lana's shoulder, ignoring the rules as she squeezed her eyes shut. Lana stood and turned around, straddling Karen before slowly lowering herself again. She scooted forward, her crotch against the back of Karen's hand, and Karen's knuckles pressed against her as she masturbated. Karen rolled her head back, and Lana bent down to kiss her. Karen parted her lips in a gasp and Lana's tongue slipped in.

She came in the middle of the kiss, lifting her hips to pin her arm between her lap and Lana's, grunting and curling her fingers into a fist that she pressed through the layers of skirt and underwear. She finally relaxed against the back of the seat, and Lana leaned back, smiling as she brought her hands up to rest them on either side of Karen's head.

"How many rules did I break?" Karen asked when she trusted her voice to remain steady.

"I don't know. I think I broke a couple, too." She kissed Karen's lips again. "So are you still sad you never got to see me dance?"

"Uh-uh. I'd have gotten blacklisted for sure. My picture behind the bar of every strip club in town as a troublemaker. I don't think I could stand the embarrassment."

Lana chuckled and kissed her between the eyebrows as she stood. "Rules are overrated anyway. We girls never followed them to the letter."

"Oh, really?" Lana had taken her hand to pull her out of the chair and was now dragging her toward the bedroom. "What other rules did you break, you naughty dancer girl?"

"Come here. I'll show you the rule I would have broken if you'd come in to see me some night."

Karen grinned and dumped her purse on the couch. She kept the singles folded in her other hand; she didn't know what Lana had in mind, but it couldn't hurt to have a gratuity ready.

mmom, original, radiation canary, writing

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