Sanctuary 4x10 "Acolyte" review

Dec 09, 2011 22:08

Acolyte is a hard word to type out. Anyway. Good evening and welcome to another bulletpoint Sanctuary review! I'm behind on my full reviews. Shameful. Especially since the last episode aired early! What the hell, me? I've been writing a lot, so that's my excuse. And it's not like I have a Geek Speak deadline to meet. I'll get to it as soon as I finish writing my epic story. And I'll take care of this one before next week's episode. I hope. Because that's how I roll. :D

Okay, enough dilly-dallying. On with the program!

* Declan! I'm glad he's back for Kate's episode. I may not actively ship them, but it's close.
* THEY'RE still inside. Hopefully that means Helen and Kate are kicking ass together!
* Helen likes to watch... oh, she's teasing. Oh that Helen! ;-D
* "Kate!" Awww, I love how happy she sounded. And I like that she went to Declan. ...okay, I maybe actively shipping them.
* Agam seems... taller for some reason. Maybe it's the UK Sanctuary. Whatever it is, she does look good. ~missed her much!~
* "Considering you have a P, and I, and two S's to work with..."
* "I did tell them it was urgent." I want to have Helen's babies. I don't know how that would work, but Crowning Moment of Awesome AND Sexy and Badass and Humor all in the same ten seconds. That skirt! That hair-tuck! ~swoons... mannishly~
* I'd loved to have seen Kate's reaction to Biggie's supposed turncoating.
* "I'm going to betray the people closest to me, but just so they'll know it's real, I'll keep a video of it in my room." Riiiight.
* Watching Helen watch Biggie betray her... it's harsh. I don't know if it's just because it's Chris Heyerdahl playing Biggie, but I can't help but make comparisons to Helen's betrayal by John. "I didn't believe he would turn on me, either." So, so rough.
* First, Helen figured out Lisbon faster than Henry could SAY he was going to run it through the computer. Then she figured out the true reason Biggie was "betraying" them. I LOVE seeing her mind work. It's so... frightening, but in a fun way. ~g~
* "Prone to trust." Aww. :( PERMANENT DAMAGE? So do it back the other way. Brainwash him more, but... to normal. Please? Don't kill Biggie, show! ~sniffles~
* "Quickly!" Oh, Helen, you ARE the badassest badass.
* HELEN. FLYING. A. JET. I knew she could, she had to fly one in Monsoon. But we saw it, yay! Amelia would be so proud. ~g~
* "The old-fashioned way?" YAY. We never got enough of these two kicking ass together!
* Helen and Kate, Team Awesome!
* Invisibiggie!
* Poor Helen, always trying to talk when her friends go bad. ~sniffles~
* Fire extinguisher! That is totally Kate's go-to weapon. ~g~
* "You let her in?"
"Let... no, I didn't LET her in." You're only confirming her awesomeness there, bubi.
* Ack! Helen! Wake up, Helen! Good for her, wearing a seatbelt. I was kind of hoping to see her lying on top of Kate, but seatbels are for safety. Good message for the kiddies, show.
* KATE!!!!!!!! Helen reaching for a bloody Kate, groaning and... wow. Thank you for that show!
* A week! And Helen operated on her twice. Awww. Poor Helen. Bad week.
* Awww, the mermaid! Of course!
* I like how she shut her laptop like someone was looking at porn. "Nothing!!" ~g~
* Amazing scene between Helen and Biggie. And then... hopefully a scam. PLEASE be a scam. :( I don't want to think of Biggie being a bad guy. And it really is the perfect con. The bad guys assume the damage is permanent, so they wouldn't suspect Helen had fixed it. And Biggie DID seem reluctant to get out of the car. Maybe this is the penance he's serving. Saying hateful things and dealing with people he'd rather throw out a window to make up for the damage he caused. I HOPE I HOPE.
* It was a good episode, for a Hollow Earth insurgency episode. I'm a bit worn on this plotline already. Hopefully the end of Season 4 will put an end to it and they can move on to other things in Season 5. ~fingers crossed~ But I did enjoy this episode. And Helen did not seem absolved at the end. Another feather of guilt added to her soul. She has to live another 200 years just to make amends for all the bad things she blames herself for. :(

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