Title: The Bandage and the Blade
geonncannonFandom: Sanctuary
Pairing: Helen Magnus/Nikola Tesla/Will Zimmerman
Word Count: 2,432
Category: AU, Angst, hurt/comfort, drama
Spoilers: End of Nights, Vigilante, One Night, Wingman, Carentan, Out of the Blue
Disclaimer: They don't belong to me.
Rating: NC17
Sequel to:
The Whisper and the Shout, but it's
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Comments 28
...it's not like men don't also get raped.
Anyway, don't let people hassle you for putting controversial subjects in your fics.
(just stick a warning on it!)
Sometimes I crossdress when I have to stay out late, and it's...interesting. See, when I'm out as a lady, I have to be hyper aware of being groped (that has happened...), but when I'm out as Polly Oliver, I can doze off in public, but I also now have to be hyper vigilante of NOT appearing like I'm groping someone, or make a woman uncomfortable by being too close to her, sometimes it's shocking to see a woman suddenly move the other way from me before I remember how I look.
It's just, 1)Let's go with what people feel comfortable with, as long as that isn't something that discomfort someone else more in an unreasonable way, and 2)there is a logical reason for this, as in general, man have more brute strength, I remember this boy back in HS who was skinny like a twine, he was skinnier than me, but he was really, really, really strong, he moved with ease the curtain raising wheel that I was really struggling with, and I'm kinda strong - for a girl. Plus, patriarchy.
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