House's Apartment, Friday (NWS)

Jan 27, 2006 17:52

After his phone call with House, Geoff decides to keep a little closer eye on the weather. So he's watching out the window when the power goes out in town. "Guess that solves that," he murmurs to himself. Packing up his stack of papers, journal, and book (someone really needs to get this man a briefcase), he pulls on his coat and heads toward the ( Read more... )

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gotcanewillpoke January 27 2006, 23:06:15 UTC
House had been checking for Geoff, though it was Cash's bark that alerts him to the man's arrival. Relif washes over him, though he tries not to let it show too obviously, as he opens the door to greet him.

"Glad yu could make it." He smiles and pulls Geoff inside. He has candles set up around the apartmet, just in case. Hey, he'd grown up in Michigan, he knew how to prepare for bad weather.


gotcanewillpoke January 28 2006, 02:28:28 UTC
He doesn't even consider trying to pry his hand away. He's decidedly right handed, but had purposely done certain things left handed over the years to strengthen his weaker side. Especially after the infarction, when he started using the cane and his right arm bulked up from the constant strain on the muscles.

He can write left handed nearly as well as he can write right handed, but given his chosen profession, that's not saying much. In any case, eating left handed is hardly an issue worth debating. He reaches across his plate for the fork.


geoff_chaucer January 28 2006, 02:38:52 UTC
Once he realized House was indeed going to leave his hand where it was, Geoff's fingers may have tightened slightly. Maybe there was something about a snowstorm that lent itself to poetry and holding hands.

"You think this will let up? Or are we going to be snowed in at the school for a while? Not that it's an issue for you but...I may be washing my clothes here for a couple of days." Geoff looks sideways at House and grins. "Although I suppose I could get Paige or one of the other witches to...whatever-it-is-they-do me down to my flat for a change of clothes. Maybe I should start keeping a set in my office..."

He's obviously thinking out loud, which anyone who's been around Geoff for any length of time will discover isn't an uncommon occurance.


gotcanewillpoke January 28 2006, 02:44:26 UTC
House laughs. "Do you realise how naughty that sounds?"

"You can wear something of mine. I'd suggest you could wear nothing at all, except it's cold, so that's not a good idea. You'd look good in one of my sweaters." Not the gray one Wilson used to wear, but any of the others, certainly. He smiles at the though and the image.


geoff_chaucer January 28 2006, 02:48:05 UTC
Echoing the laugh, Geoff says, "I don't know what you're talking about, House. I was just trying to save myself trouble if I ever got stranded at school again. I have no idea where your mind is."

He grins again, although it's softer this time. "You don't mind? Me borrowing some clothes, I mean. That would be...that would be great if you really don't mind."

Which means that House doesn't mind him staying for the weekend. Seems to be planning on it, in fact. And Geoff realizes that this is a rather pleasing prospect. "I promise to be a good houseguest and not make too much mess. Although I may spoil your dog."


gotcanewillpoke January 28 2006, 03:12:33 UTC
"I really don't mind, Geoff. I've got a closet full of stuff, there's plenty to go around." He leans in just enough to steal a quick kiss.

"More like, my dog will spoil you," House looks over his shoulder at Cash who is watching them with heavy eyes. He turns back tot he table and reaches for his beer, taking a long slow sip off it.


geoff_chaucer January 28 2006, 03:22:55 UTC
"All right then." Geoff nods, smiling at the kiss. "And you know what? I actually know how to make pancakes. So I'll even cook breakfast for you. Anything beyond pancakes though, and you're on your own."

With a glance at Cash as well, he adds, "I like your dog. He's welcome to spoil me. His owner is more than welcome to spoil me too. Just in case there was a question about that."


gotcanewillpoke January 28 2006, 03:44:32 UTC
"Pancakes just happens to be my favorite breakfast." House grins and gives Geoff's hand a gentle squeeze.

"What do you say we put the rest of this food in the fridge, we may need to fortify ourselves tomorrow, and there's other things to do tonight besides food."


geoff_chaucer January 28 2006, 03:51:14 UTC
"Oh, are there really?" Geoff drawls, squeezing back and then getting up from the table. "You've got an evening of entertainment planned for me?"

He grins, picking up the plates and taking them to the sink.


gotcanewillpoke January 28 2006, 04:16:24 UTC
"What better time than this to teach me more dancing? Looks like we're going to be here for a few days. I'll teach you about my music and play you songs on the piano. I could probably dig up a Scrabble game, and there's always poems to write."


geoff_chaucer January 28 2006, 04:19:38 UTC
"I don't know what 'scrabble' is -- well, I know the word, but I don't know the game. But I'm willing to learn it if you want to play it. And I think I could come up with another dance or two to teach you. Since you promise so nicely to play for me."

Geoff washes up the supper dishes and opens another beer for each of them, then leans against the counter to look at House. "You know, I think I've been hiding away alone in my shop too much. If I hadn't gotten out and gone to that party at the hotel -- which I really had second thoughts about -- I'd never have met you. Which just goes to show that I'm obviously missing quite a lot."


gotcanewillpoke January 28 2006, 04:23:49 UTC
"Neither of us intended to go to that party. I only went because I didn't want Aziraphale, I didn't wnt to disappoint him. And apparently because iw as meant to be there so that you and I could meet, because honestly? You're the best thing that's happneed to me for a while, other than Cash."


geoff_chaucer January 28 2006, 04:28:22 UTC
Another shy grin, and Geoff's gaze drops away. "Thanks, Greg. I'm...damn glad I met you, too," he says softly.

Running a hand through his hair, he takes a breath and looks up. "So. Dancing until we're tired, and Or 'scrabble'?"


gotcanewillpoke January 28 2006, 04:34:19 UTC
"Dancing first. Scrabble is a word game. Kind of like a crossword puzzle, only without the clues. You fill in words, on a board and try to score as many points as you can. You'll love it, trust me." Hosue grins and sips his beer.


geoff_chaucer January 28 2006, 04:43:10 UTC
"Sounds like fun. But after the dancing," Geoff agrees. He takes a long swallow of beer and walks into the living room.

"You'll have to, ah, handle the music, though. I don't have a clue...well, honestly, where it even comes from. Other than...that thing has something to do with it." He waves his beer at the stereo.


gotcanewillpoke January 28 2006, 05:10:11 UTC
"That thing is a stereo, and it's one of the greatest inventions. I can't believe you don't know what a stereo is. Come, let me show you."

He delights in showing Geoff all the functins. CD, cassette player, radio, and his beloved turntable. He explains the history of recordable music and how records are nearly obsolete now, and how iPods are the in thing now. He has one, of course, and shows it off proudly.

[OOC: And it's that time again...I must sleep]


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