Since magnusarias always posts questions for us all, I figured I'd give him a break and post my own.Have you ever been met with disapproval from friends, family, or even co-workers about who you find attractive
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So it's been a while since I've seen a post on here till today. So I think I'm going to start posing some questions again now that we have over 100 visitors!
Best Vacation?
I ask because I'm yearning for something different and I'm curious to hear other people's ideas of a good vacation (imaginary or one you really had).
Have you ever been objectified for part of yourself that you don't particularly appreciate? Or have you ever been the one objectifying that in someone else? How did it go
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A Bear's Life Magazine seems to be the hot topic on my flist today, so I thought I'd bring it here:
It has been said to be a saving grace showing the masculine side of the gay community and others say it's nothing more than niche marketing and a waste of money.