Can I just have one more moondance?

Nov 24, 2009 23:28

OMG. I know, right? Alert the media!
But really, I need a little help. I can't seem to find good Harry Potter images to use, and I could use more Narnia-related photos, too. Help me out? If you can help me find some photos from these fandoms, you can also request up to four (4) icons of miscellaneous things. It would be best if ( Read more... )


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Comments 2

dancingraphics November 25 2009, 13:36:55 UTC
For good photos, check out
I think it's a German site, but I've used it enough to know how to navigate it. Type in your film in the search engine box thing in the top, then select the movie you want, then click "Bilder" (that means pictures, I assume).


narniacmr November 25 2009, 13:58:06 UTC
toybirds has some galleries of a couple of the HP movies up here (you can also download all the screencaps if you want). Also, the-leaky-cauldron's galleries are good too.


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