Interest Icons for Christmas of '07!

Dec 09, 2007 15:42

It's that time again! Only this time, the interest icon post is coming at a special time of the year - Christmas!
I have a few rules and everything laid out so we're all nice and organized about it, but it's relatively self-explanatory and I'm looking forward to making gifties!

*There are a few different ways you can request a gift (1, 2, & 3) -
1) Simply leave a comment to this post and I'll search through your interests for something to make an icon of. (Keep in mind that this way requires more effort from me, so I would prefer if this was done if you know we share fandom interests.)
2) Comment with a fandom - preferably something particular from that fandom (ex. Narnia - William Moseley).
3) Comment with high quality pictures and/or links! (I lurve this way, it saves me so much time!)
4) Specify whether or not you want the graphic to be Christmas/Winter themed.
5) If you want an icon similar to one I've made previously, please provide a link to that post and the icon number.
6) Specify whether or not you want the icon(s)/banner/wallpaper to be shareable; if you want them personalized, please include the username or text you want.

1) I will make up to three icons per person and/or a banner or wallpaper. I'll also make a special exception for a header.
2) I will not copy icons made by other users; that's plagiarism. But it's different if you ask me to aim for a coloring that is similar to an icon made by someone else. I know that seems a lot alike, but it's a horse of a different color in reality.
4) Promote this interest icon post (or this community) at your journal and I'll throw in another icon!
5) You can comment with requests until December 22nd! I intend on posting the graphics on Christmas day, but please be lenient; you can be sure they will be posted around Christmas day.

See what I mean? The guidelines and rules are easy and laid-back, so you've got a lot of leeway. Now all that's left for you to do is comment!

01) hesitated_lies
02) navi_glow
03) midnighticons68
04) time_to_write
05) april_potter
06) hpnarnia
07) purely_distel
08) embergirl
09) tinuviel428
10) thelamppost
11) silverseaicons
12) ashlefaith
13) princofwhales
14) eliiiiza
15) deepwonderment
16) qwertykate88
17) peaceinyou
18) jj9437

Thanks a lot guys! Expect them soon! ;D
NOTE: If you still want a specific icon for me, leave a comment at my request post. Your request will be fulfilled after the holidays.
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