vroom vroom

Aug 29, 2009 08:31

for gen_drabble challenge 19: tousled. don't like it as much as my former attempts, but. *shrugs* it's something written and finished, anyway.


“I like things that go more than 200 miles an hour,” John says when Teyla first meets him: seeming nonsense, though she ignores that because she likes his smile, which pretends to be false but isn’t. Later he explains (with distracting hand motion and whooshing sounds) what he meant, but she can’t understand the why of it. Puddlejumpers are fast, but mostly tiresome.

Now, though, in a car with no roof, wind blowing her hair into snarls that will take long hours to tease out, she begins to understand. Even though they’re still solidly on the ground, this is flying.

sga, snapshots

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