I am very, very excited.
Why am I so excited, you ask, and is this an indication that people should be running and hiding about this point in time? Well, usually I'd say yes to the second one, but not in this particular case.
We are holding our very first contest here at
genrereviews. It's open immediately, and the deadline is April 23, at 11:59pm, which gives you two weeks. (Don't worry, I'll add an edit letting you know the contest's closed so you'll know if you made it in time or not.)
Here's how to enter:
-Write a review of a book you've read. Good book, bad book, children's book, I don't care. So long as it's something that's been published, I'm not going to be picky.
-Put your review up on your blog with a link to this entry.
-Leave me a comment here to let me know you've entered.
That's it! Alternately, if you don't have a blog, you can e-mail me your review at genrereviews@gmail.com.
Prizes? So glad you asked!
-20$ worth of gift certificates at the online bookstore of your choice
-your review will also be featured here as a guest spot
Write the review however feels best to you. Enthusiastic, ranting, or served with super snark, whatever style you like. Essentially, Sarah and I will pick the one that entertains us the most, which could be because it made us laugh so hard we cried, or maybe it just made us really desperate to get our grubby little paws on that book.
So let's get those entries rolling in! The clock's a-ticking! (Or calendar. Or something.)
Edit: This contest is now closed. Kisses and thanks to everyone who participated.