Spent a few minutes answering a few
Formspring questions tonight and thought I would share. (I know, I know, this isn't all of them. I have to think about a few of the ones still unanswered, you know, to avoid saying things I shouldn't say quite yet.)
Let's start with the one you have all seen already ... only with the answer this time!
Reading your eljay makes you seem really strange. It is just a persona you put on right?
LOL! No.
You said in your SimStoryTeller interview that you have certain pose boxes on every lot. Which boxes are those and how often do you use other boxes?
My "Go To" list includes all of the boxes in this tutorial
http://genlisae.livejournal.com/68267.html Those are the boxes that are on every single lot (and in a few random characters inventories)
I do use other boxes quite often, but even then what I use will (almost always) be modified by something from one of those boxes.
Do you plan to put up anymore sims for download? Say, like Caliban? He is awesome and needs hugs.
I plan to eventually have them all up for my own back-up purposes if nothing else! I am just really slow on making the CC credits lists for them (as has probably been noted).
In the meantime, if there is a sim you are looking for and isn't up, just ask -kind of like you just did :D- and I will get them up!
Are you planning a casting call for Pleasantries?
Definitively? No. Have I thought about it? Absolutely. Especially when I think about all of the random filler sims that I will not be extracting when I reformat (*whimper*)
Keep an eye out! A casting call may go out yet.
Tybalt! Tybalt! Tybalt! We need a character meme of Tybalt! Caliban too please?
:D On it! Or well on them.
O.o that sounds so wrong ...
do you ever write oneshots about any of the characters? if yes where can I find them?
I do! As for where ... I have only shared one of them so far and it is spoilery! Like, epic spoiler. HUGE! So I am not going to say exactly where to find it, but if you look hard enough, and think about where I would post the random things that come out of my head, you can find it easily.
(yeah, I totally just told you where ... no, really, I did)
Do you build your own sets or use sets built by other people?
Most of the sets I build myself. Occasionally I will use a set that was built by another ... only it will almost always be completely gutted and redone and ... yeah, by the time I am done with it I may as well have just built it myself.
Whenever I do use a set by someone else I will try to give credit. (As long as I can remember where I got it from, and if I forget, nudge me. I don't like to miss things like that.)
You said it was OK to use your characters at sims_anon. Do you really mean it is OK or will a really shocking pair/kink make you change your mind?
Oh wow. Now I am a little nervous about what you had in mind ...
Really though, absolutely permission granted for ANYTHING on sims_anon. I am sure I have a few ships/situations that would melt brains floating around my head as well :D Might as well share the brain melt!
And, related to one of these questions (and one from the last round) I am currently working on the requested profiles/meme/studies ... whatever you want to call them! That is what prompted the round of answers this time actually. I had to go look and see who had been requested.
Have I mentioned I love that meme for getting back into the mindset to write this thing? I have? It needs repeating. *sigh* I have missed these little shits! :D