Hang on for just a second ... Hahahaha! Oh Gods! Can't breathe! Hahahahaha! I so don't have a plan!
Sorry, I'm better now.
The Goal: Chapters 5 and 6 of Pleasantries written, shot and posted.
What I do have: (in the interest of full disclosure, cause anything done before February 1 doesn't count toward the goal)
Chapter 5 - 1 scene written and shot. Two other scenes loosely outlined tentatively slated to go in this chapter.
Chapter 6 - Fully Outlined and sets are built.
Chapter 6 has a title. Chapter 5 does not.
What I will be doing prior to February 1:
Outlining Chapter 5 and building any additional sets required.
I have also done some looking at statistics. Remember when I said "suicidal"? Yeah ... I was only partially joking. According to past averages on chapter length the goal of two chapters in a month breaks down to 20000 - 30000 words and 400 - 500 images ... in 28 days.
*blinks at screen*
*taps fingers against edge of keyboard*
*gets up, walks to nearest wall, laughs manically while banging head against wall repeatedly*
*sits back down*
I think I can do it.
So there you have it. My goal for SimStoCreMo in detail.
January 31 update.
Now that I have all of the outlines completed and I know where this is all going (I gotta stop writing things in advance at one point I thought both of these chapters were done! hahahah!) I wanted to make sure that I was clear on exactly what has been done.
As it turns out I had the one scene that was already completed for Chapter 5 and another that was already written for a total of 2078 words and 27 images completed prior to Feb 1. Obviously these will NOT be counted toward my secondary "unofficial" goal of a minimum 20000 words and 400 images.