I got a little sidetracked finishing these, but I will get them up!
amochan8878 tagged me with Winston! Yay! Winston = WIN! ... that was not supposed to be a pun.
1. Post 10 facts about your character.
2. Tag 5 other characters.
3. Post their names with the creators' user-names.
4. You can tag back!
I have also decided that I am going to include a random quote/conversation snippet either from or about the character that sums them up best. No I am not going to tell you which! I am not even going to tell you who is speaking :P Because I am evil like that! But it will be taken from the story at some point.
“I had a plan. It was a good plan, a calm plan. It meant I could go home every evening listen to Bach and relax with a book. Then this hurricane on two legs swept in and now I do not have my plan anymore. Now it is all upside down and sideways and suddenly I am no longer sure what I will be doing when I go home. I liked knowing. I enjoyed my routines.”
“So you aren’t happy then?”
“I am ecstatic! It is quite puzzling.”
This is a typical evening for Winston. He finds it quite exciting.
1) Winston has a younger brother, Justin, who is in an up and coming band. (That was Justin’s band practicing in the garage and shaking hands with the scummy agent in the prologue. You will get to meet him more officially later). The two are almost polar opposites in personality and while Winston loves his brother, no amount of psychology will ever help him understand where Justin is coming from or why he does the things he does.
2) He graduated high school two years early and immediately went on to university where he earned degrees in both psychology and education.
3) Winston hates being asked what his IQ is. He doesn’t believe intelligence is a quantifiable trait. Some people are simply more adept at grasping certain concepts and while someone may be very adept at mathematics for example that same person might be stumped by language or spatial perception. It is his opinion that true genius is not measurable and comes in many forms; from the sciences through to arts and skilled trades. A great mathematician is no more worthy of the title than a highly skilled potter. As for himself, while his IQ may officially fall in the higher than average range (that’s all he knows, they made him take the test but he didn’t want to know the numbers) he attributes his success to hard work and determination. Besides, what else was he supposed to do when his peers confused him while he was growing up? He wasn’t going to parties and hanging out at the mall, he may as well be studying right?
4) Winston’s interest in psychology originated at a very young age from his attempts to understand why he never seemed to fit in with his peer group. He still can’t answer that question.
5) Winston is engaged to Meredith Page. (You will get to meet her soon) They met at a seminar. He liked that she actually spoke to him. She liked that he let her talk without interrupting.
6) His post card collection evolved from his love of travel combined with a loathing of clutter, particularly “aesthetic clutter”. He prefers things to be organized, visually as well as spatially. The usual tourist knick-knacks would drive him nuts in that regard messing up a shelf and not harmonizing with each other at all. So he buys neat, uniformly shaped post cards as souvenirs.
7) Lilith is his first private client. Usually he is just another member of the faculty at a school and students are referred to him on an as needed basis while still attending regular classes. He is enjoying the freedom to work with her one-on-one with much more relaxed guidelines as to what they must accomplish. If she needs to stop and work through something that is bothering her, they can do that as he knows she is capable of making up for any lost time once she can focus again.
8) Lilith is one of the few people he is genuinely comfortable being around. On more than one occasion he has had to remind himself to maintain a professional relationship with her and not treat her as the friend she is rapidly becoming.
9) He is something of a snob when it comes to food and hates the “flavour of cans”, thus he does most of his own cooking from scratch.
10) His father passed away only a few months ago leaving both boys with dual ownership of a large house that is in various stages of being renovated. Winston is not entirely sure what to do with the house as he is comfortable in his condo. Justin does not want the house at all but has been using it as a place to crash when he is in town.
Okay so 10 kind of sucked. I was stumped for things I could say that wouldn't give anything away.
Up next Anto with Ripp and Darren still to come.
I am not going to tag anyone else right now, but if there is a character you want to talk about, consider this your tagging. Also feel free to "tag" me in comments.