Title: Oyasumi (Part 2/2)
Fandom: Kyouran Kazoku Nikki
Rating: PG/K+
Characters/Pairings: slight Ouka/Kyouka
Part 1 The bed was big enough that each of them could lie down on opposite sides of it without even touching. Kyouka was rather small to begin with, and Ouka had never really been a big man, so the space between them was huge.
They hesitantly mumbled their goodnights, and it was when they were finally settled in bed and all the lights were off and Kyouka was finally asleep that Ouka noticed It. In the very corner of the room, a cat-shaped nightlight had been plugged into an outlet. The light it emitted was completely dwarfed by the darkness that filled the huge room.
Oh, Ouka thought, frowning. How could such a scarily strong, proud woman be afraid of something like the dark? Ouka was raised in the darkness. He had lived (and thrived) in it all his life. It was a foreign concept to him, fear of the dark, and it didn’t really seem like something Kyouka could be afraid of.
Besides, she had come down the darkened stairs by herself, without turning on any lights, and the living room itself had been pitch black. No, Kyouka was not afraid if the dark. She hadn’t looked frightened at all by the darkness, even though she seemed really quite nervous about her proposition. She probably had really great night vision too, and had the ability to sense anyone or anything that came within a 5ft radius of her.
Looking around the room, he imagined it as how it must have been for her before she came to get him. What could it have been that frightened her? And, after looking around a bit, he concluded that there was absolutely nothing that could have done so.
However, looking around the room had made him realize its immensity. He felt rather small, and if Kyouka hadn’t been there, he’d have probably felt rather lonely as well. The light made up for it a little bit. It gave some off the warmth a person would, but it really wasn’t quite the same.
It was with dawning comprehension that Ouka realized that while she was not afraid of the dark, what Kyouka dreaded was being alone. It was a disconcerting notion, because it forced him to acknowledge that they had much more in common than they had thought.
The Morning After
Ouka woke up with the dawn. It was a hard habit to get out of, and as soon as light started streaming through the window, he’d never be able to get back to sleep.
The position he found himself in wasn’t all that surprising, really. Somehow, over the course of the night, the both of them had managed to roll over into the middle of the bed, and now Kyouka was practically on top of him, ears twitching slightly, cuddled dangerously against his side. It was kind of cute, actually. She looked much less evil when she slept.
Ouka desperately tried to think a way out of the surely ensuing commotion and came up with absolutely nothing. So, sighing, he ignored her and tried to go back to sleep. Maybe if he was sleeping Kyouka wouldn’t accuse him of being a "shameless pervert unable to resist the appeal of a goddesses perfect body!" if she thought she had woken up first.