Nathaniel Fick to speak at the DNC

Aug 27, 2008 11:01

Just a heads up, Nathaniel Fick will be speaking tomorrow (Thursday) evening at the Democratic National Convention during primetime! I know I'll be tuning in :D

EDIT: You should be able to watch any speeches live, streaming from the official website ( Primetime programming lasts from 8-9PM MDT. Nate is speaking sometime between 7-8PM MDT. You can also watch any previously recorded speech there, so if you miss it, all is not lost (I'm sure it will make it's way onto Youtube as well)!

EDIT 2: Ok, according to the DNC website, Nate is speaking between 7-8PM MDT as a part of the American Voices Program

Too bad they misspelled his last name :/ Don't miss it!

character: nathaniel fick

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