Rewatch Update

Feb 20, 2010 14:28

So first of all I'm so glad so many of you are excited about a rewatch! This is awesome. And thanks for taking my poll.

After leaving it up for almost 24 hours, it looks as though our rewatch will be on Saturdays (early Sunday for those lucky few). Now I'm just trying to figure out the best time for everyone. So far, these are the rough times that I've figured on; with so many people in so many time zones, I know not everyone will be happy, but I am attempting to find times that will suit most, if not all, members.

I'm thinking about 8:00 PM GMT, which means the following times for individual countries: *there will now be a second session eight hours after the first session, for those around GMT+8 (Australia, Asia)*

10:00 AM (Hawaii)
11:00 AM (Alaska, Siberia)
12:00 PM (Vancouver, B.C., West coast America)
1:00 PM (Edmonton, Canada, Denver, mid-west America)
2:00 PM (mid-East/Southern USA, Mexico, Canada)
3:00 PM (Montreal, Canada, East US, S. America, Peru, Colombia)
4:00 PM (New Foundland, Bolivia, Paraguay, Chile, Greenland)
5:00 PM (Brazil, Argentina)
8:00 PM GMT (Britain, Portugal, Morocco)
9:00 PM (Spain, France, Switz, Belg, Germany, Norway, Sweden, Poland, Czech, Slovakia, Hungary, Algeria, Tunisia)
10:00 PM (Finaland, Estonia, Lithuania, Latvia, Ukraine, Moldova, Turkey, Bulgaria, Romania, Macedonia, Libya, Egypt, Turkey
11:00 PM (W. Russia, Saudia Arabia, Iraq)
12:00 PM ( M. Russia, Kazakhstan, Pakistan, Turkemenistan)
At this point it gets REALLY confusing to find every country since almost every country is on a different time zone.
4:00 AM (SORRY GUYS!) Mongolia, China, Australia
5:00 AM (E. Russia, Korea, Japan)

If your country was not listed, which I admit I might have missed out on, this website will allow you to figure out the time in your area relative to GMT.

The only way to fix this would be to move times later by maybe an hour or two, but that would still mean you guys over down South would be up at 7 watching the show, and those in Europe would be watching around midnight (which might not make a difference for many of you, lol).

Let me know how many people have issues with the timing, and how far forward/back you would like it, as well as your time zone (GMT +/- hours) and I’ll try to fix this as much as I can.

Of course, if I don't have anybody that will be watching from the Eastern Europe areas, or Asia, I can always shift the time back easier. I know we are a varied bunch, though, so let me know!

Post with your thoughts, opinions, criticisms, whatever it may be. :)

ETA: We'll be starting the rewatch next Saturday, the 27th. :D

ETA 2: Would shifting the rewatch earlier an hour, two hours, or three hours work? Or later an hour, two hours, three hours? Or does it only work at the time it's at?  Due to so many being in an inconvenient time zone for the first rewatch, I will be holding a second rewatch around 8 hours after the first. The first will also probably be moved back two hours (later) since so many people don't mind.

Look for a finalized schedule soon, guys! I'll also be posting some reminders as the week progresses.

!re-watch post

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