Dec 10, 2008 19:05
It's getting back to normal now, but I sure got out of Mumbai in the nick of time. The terrorists hit a week after I left and they attacked right in front of my motel. The Hotel the seiged was arround the corner, and they bombed the train station around the corner from my office. I would have been safe in my office at the time, but yeah scary
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Comments 6
I'm glad you're okay - and glad you're back.
I'm in a 2-week class on advanced security ATM coincidentally; we're practicing storming a comdemned pier with old wrecked aircraft on it and a fake ship made of cargo boxes and shooting one another with small paint bullets-- not paintballs, paint bullets. Ow.
It is giving me a new appreciation of the police and army personnel who responded to this event in Mumbai. They probably did this hard training for more like 2 months rather than 2 weeks. Imagine what would have happened if they had not been prepared?
I'm sure your family were/are relieved. Any time something like this happens out of the blue I think it makes people- Americans especially- afraid of the rest of the world. Just what any terrorist group hopes to accomplish. It doesn't hurt to be careful of course, but I hope it doesn't discourage your own further travels.
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