Challenge Number 1: I ate a decorator once

Mar 03, 2007 20:15

Challenge No. 1

The I ate a decorator once challenge.

Ever wondered how it was that Wes and Gunn proved so handy at welding when they needed a cage to house Angelus? When did Spike become an expert in interior decoration or fluent in Fyarl ? Why did it take Buffy seven years to realise a mobile phone could be a useful weapon?

None of the above ever niggled you? What about those plot holes you wished had been filled by the writers? How did Spike's duster get from Buffy's bannisters to the school basement? Why was William a good man and Liam a rowdy playboy? Now’s your chance to set the record straight by signing up for the ‘‘I ate a decorator once’’ challenge.

Chose one of the following

1. A missing scene explaining a particular ability a character demonstrated on screen with no prior indication of their possessing such skills or ability. OR
2. A missing scene or backstory that fills a plot hole that may have been niggling the viewer. OR
3. A missing scene or backstory that fleshes out a minor character or answers questions about major ones.

Any and all questions are welcomed. Just see the mods.

Entry Guidelines

1.) All fiction in response to the challenge must be general in nature. If you can’t avoid them, allusions to cannon pairings are acceptable. The focus here is the story, though, not the ship.

2.) For length the minimum is 100 words (a drabble). There is no maximum, but no WIPS. Work must be complete by the final posting date.

3.) Please make sure your entry is appropriate for the challenge.

4.) Fiction must be new and written specifically for this challenge.

5.) It can include original character(s) but must include at least one character from the ‘verse. It can be any character, no matter how minor. Just keep it in the fandom.

6.) Please submit only one entry for the challenge. If you write more, feel free to post on the sister community, gen_storyteller.
Note: A series of related 100 word drabbles, or a 369er counts as one entry.

7.) Use lj-cuts for all entries over 100 words and any banners/pictures greater than 300x300px. Links to personal journals are acceptable, so long as they are not friends-locked.


Sign-up: by March 18th. Leave your name and email address in a comment to this entry. All comments will be screened. Withdrawal from the challenge is allowed but please give notice on this community that you are unable to complete your entry before the final posting date. A Master List will be posted on March 20th to allow for differences in time zones.

Entries must be posted on general_buffy (Membership is moderated) between May 1st and May 31st. All participants will receive a personalised challenge ‘button’ and have their work entered in a special category of Round 16 of The Shadows and Dust Fanfic Awards. There will be two separate categories 1. Short Fic - from 100 word drabble to 1000 word ficlet. 2. Longer fic - from 1000+ word one-shot to multi-chaptered.

You may enter your challenge submission in a further two categories at SDFA and all 'extra' fics arising from this challenge and posted on gen_storyteller are eligible for nomination in relevant categories by someone else.

challenge no. 1

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