Check In Post #1

Oct 10, 2013 19:04

This is the first check in post! It isn't mandatory, so you don't have to fill this in but you can :)

Pairing (if any):
Current Word Count:
What I like about the story:
What I don't like about the story:

Author:Read more... )

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Comments 6

lynzie914 October 10 2013, 18:34:56 UTC
Author: Lynzie914
Pairing (if any): There are quite a few during different parts of the story.
Current Word Count: 17k (But its all disconnected and doesn't make a whole story. Also, it will probably be narrowed down to focus on one particular storyline instead of trying to explore so many of the shows.)
What I like about the story: I love exploring the different characters in the new roles and how they react to them.
What I don't like about the story: I'm struggling with certain characters and what to do with them.


takerzmuse October 12 2013, 06:27:13 UTC
Author: Grassy
Pairing (if any): Suoh Mikoto/female!Munakata Reisi (K)
Current Word Count: About 700-ish in an actual coherent form; it's hard to tell with the plethora of notes to myself strung through the file.
What I like about the story: ...the porn?
What I don't like about the story: This pairing is hard to write, much as I love them.

May or may not have another fic to add in details of by the next check in. (^_^)


ida_emilie October 12 2013, 16:23:29 UTC
Author: Ida-Emilie
Pairing (if any): Sam Winchester/fem!Gabriel (SPN)
Current Word Count: 2k-ish worth of notes, haha!
What I like about the story: It so far will explore the entire spectrum going from pornsy/fluff/angst and so on.
What I don't like about the story: I'm struggling with getting started and can already see points in the future where I shall most likely get a bit stuck, but I'm lucky I have my alpha reader :D


luvsbitca October 16 2013, 13:17:36 UTC
Author: luvsbitca
Pairing (if any):
Current Word Count: Oh my, I haven't even started yet. I'm trying to get my TW BB done and then I'll focus on this, though I'm kind of planning to expand an unpublished WIP from my computer so...we'll see.
What I like about the story: The possibilities.
What I don't like about the story: The lack of focus (and the fact I totally failed and forgot to JOIN the community after I signed up for this bang...thud)


konishi_zen October 25 2013, 16:40:34 UTC
Author:Velocity Girl
Pairing (if any): fem!Raleigh Becket/Chuck Hansen? I'm now toying with Herc/Fem!Raleigh and Yancy/Chuck. Don't know how that happened.
Current Word Count:5000
What I like about the story:The fact that Raleigh isn't so isolated and isn't alone in grief. Herc being more hands-on and Chuck getting a chance to be less of a dick. Oh and cancelling the apocalypse.
What I don't like about the story: It's been hard to get a definite flow to it. I usually have been finishing 8K stories in a night when I get inspired. I've been sitting down and writing in increments of 500 to get it moving. But it is moving.


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