Watcher in La-La Land, Giles

Jul 26, 2007 00:03

TITLE: Watcher in La-La Land

Summary: A story that has Giles going to Los Angeles instead of Oakland looking for Buffy at the start of season 3.

Rating: G

Length: About 3,300 words

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alternative universe, giles, author: zandra_x, btvs: s3

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Comments 6

hesadevil July 26 2007, 10:31:06 UTC

A story that has Giles going to Los Angeles instead of Oakland
This is so close to canon, I'd like to think Giles made this 'detour' on his way to/back from Oakland.

Thank you, that was really lovely. You have Lorne and Giles' voices extremely well and this could have been one of those scenes that ended on the cutting room floor because an episode was too long.

I loved the shout-out to ASH's voice-over work and coffee ads at the end.


zandra_x July 27 2007, 01:01:21 UTC
Thank you. Most of my stories sort of slip into small openings in canon. It would have been great to see Giles and Lorne together. (I have it in my mind that it was Giles that tipped Wesley to the existence of Caritas.)


rayruz July 26 2007, 11:20:36 UTC
Oh my god how I loved this. Even if he did go to Oakland I could still see him checking L.A. for Buffy, seeing as she was from there. But anyways... this was fantastic, perfectly in character, I love how befuddled Giles was while in Caritas, and it's so great that Lorne was there, there was never enough interaction between the people from Angel and the people from Buffy... anyways, babbling must stop. I loved this :)


zandra_x July 27 2007, 01:12:42 UTC
Thanks very much. Ah, poor Giles, life in the field was so complicated. 8 ]


curiouswombat July 26 2007, 19:34:40 UTC
Thank you - this is a lovely little 'possible happening'.


zandra_x July 27 2007, 01:14:16 UTC
Thanks very much. A Giles and Lorne meeting would have been so cool. 8 ]


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