Harry Potter and the Chosen Hallows

Jul 19, 2007 21:49

Title: Harry Potter and the Chosen Hallows
Author: kanedax
Fandom: Harry Potter/Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Rating: TV-14 for violence and head-hurting
Spoilers: Chosen (Buffy series finale); Harry Potter & The Half-Blood Prince
Summary: Harry Potter and the gang launch an all-out war against Voldemort and the army of Death Eaters below Hogwarts.
Notes: I ( Read more... )

crossover, author: kanedax

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Comments 5

brencon July 20 2007, 13:24:13 UTC
Wow. What a great fic! Such a great use of the Buffy ending in the final fight against Voldemort. I loved it!


kanedax July 20 2007, 14:25:32 UTC
Thanks much! Like I said in my notes, it's not my best stuff, but it was a 2-hour bit that turned from a drabble into, well, this... so I'm glad it worked out.


ozma914 July 26 2007, 03:30:37 UTC
No, it's not great -- it's brilliant! I was glued to my chair, even though I pretty much knew how it would end; it was perfect.


kanedax July 26 2007, 12:56:37 UTC



Can I steal it? lol

Thanks for reading. I was kinda surprised when I got your response, I've been getting flooded with comments from a post-TDH fic I posted Sunday night, wasn't expecting to see this one still slipped in there.

Thanks again!


the icon ozma914 July 28 2007, 09:47:02 UTC
I'm way behind on everything. :-)

Sadly, the icon belongs not to me, but to slightlyiconic, from whom I took it with permission. I'm sure she (he?) wouldn't mind, as long as you credited. It's come in very handy!


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