Things That Go Bump in the Night

Jun 24, 2007 17:14

Things That Go Bump in the Night
Author: Always_jbj
Rated PG
Word Count: 391
Summary: A short early AtS S5 ficlet.
Warnings: Um... fluff?

"What is wrong with you?”

“What’s wrong with me?” He blinked, accepting the proffered glass; surely it was obvious? His eyes flicked rapidly around the room, searching the shadows. “Spike,” he spat. “What else?”

“Well, I admit he can be rather irritating, but I hardly see…”

“That’s it, you don’t… No one does. You don’t know him the way I do. He’s up to something. I know he is.”


“No, you don’t understand. He wants what I have. He always has. He can’t stand for me to have anything.”

“That’s ridiculous. When was the last time you slept? It’s a known fact that sleep deprivation can lead to paranoia.”

“I can’t sleep.” He plonked the empty tumbler on the desk. “I wake up and he’s there… Watching me. Plotting.”

“Plotting? What could he be plotting? Angel, he’s incorporeal.”

“Is he? I mean, we don’t know that, do we? It could all just be an act, or a spell, or… or something.” He blinked again, trying to clear his suddenly-distorted vision. Lifting a shaking hand to rub his eyes, he turned in horror to his companion. “Wesley?”

“Yes, Angel?”

“Did you... Did you drug me?” he asked in disbelief before slumping unconscious to the floor.

Wesley sighed and collected a blanket from the couch, laying it over the now-snoring vampire as he answered, “Yes, I did. But it was for your own good.” With a shrug and a crooked smile he added quietly to himself, “And for everyone else’s, too.”

Flicking off the light and closing the door quietly behind him, the former watcher went to let the rest of the AI crew know that his mission had been a success.


A shadowy shape emerged from the darkness, gaining form as it moved. A rumbling laugh sounded as it made its way over to the sleeping vampire.

A quick scan of the desk and the grin widened. “Well, well. What have we here?”

Focusing his will, the blonde reached out, grasping the tube carefully. He unscrewed the lid and squeezed the contents into Angel’s hair; adding a handful of coloured paperclips as a final embellishment and dropping the now-empty Superglue tube in the bin.

“Always said you were a poof.” Spike grinned. “Now let’s see what’s so ‘urgent and confidential’,” he added, flipping open the marked folder on the desk.

the end

author: alwaysjbj, wesley, ficlet, angel, ats: s5

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