Food Fit For a God, Gunn, Illyria, Angel, post-series

Jan 28, 2007 16:26

Title: Food Fit For a God
Author: spikeNdru
Characters: Gunn, Illyria, Angel; Gunn POV
Rating: PG
Summary: See requirements of the challenge.
Words: 4862
Disclaimer: All characters belong to Joss Whedon, Mutant Enemy and 20th Century Fox. No infringement is intended. I’m just playing with them. If there is a problem with that, contact my ( Read more... )

illyria, author: spikendru, post-nfa, angel, gunn

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Comments 6

shinodabear January 28 2007, 22:19:01 UTC
This is just perfect! I love the voice. Really. This is worth saving and going back to reread.


spikendru January 28 2007, 22:53:57 UTC
Thank you so much! This is the first time I've ever written Gunn, and I was nervous about getting it right. By this point in time, Gunn is actually two people, and I tried to slip back and forth between the street-fighter and the erudite lawyer without being too obvious. I'm thriled that you think it works!


scarlettlily January 29 2007, 06:13:04 UTC
This was wonderful, I really adored it.


spikendru January 29 2007, 18:06:20 UTC
Thank you so much. When I saw the challenge, the plot bunny took hold and wouldn't let go until I had written it. *g* I'm glad you enjoyed this.


hesadevil January 29 2007, 21:30:13 UTC
I enjoyed this immensely.

Two POVs - the first, Gunn was so good I could 'hear' him and was drawn in. I don't usually go for narration of this sort but Gunn is one darn fine storyteller - and he appreciates Spike so that gets him bonus points.

The second, the unseen narrator, puts the reader in the same space as the characters - an observer and yet one who cares about the participants.

Thank you for sharing it with us here.
I'm with Gunn - vanilla's the ice cream of choice, though I do like a nice strawberry, even allowing for the seeds.


spikendru January 30 2007, 03:46:55 UTC
Oh, thank you! I was a little bit worried about attempting to write Gun's POV and I'm so glad that it worked. Given a choice of the three to tell the story, I thought Gunn's human viewpoint made the most sense, although I had never written him before.

Hee! I love the vanilla with the little flecks of vanilla beans in it, but my very favorite is Peppermint Stick. Unfortunately (or perhaps, fortunately for my diet), it's seasonal so is only available in Nov. and Dec.


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