
Apr 24, 2007 07:57

Title : Old Year’s Dying
Author : petzipellepingo
Characters : Drusilla, Spike
Setting : Pre-Series
Fandom : Buffy
Rating : PG-13

Full knee-deep lies the winter snow,
And the winter winds are wearily sighing:
Toll ye the church bell sad and slow,
And tread softly and speak low,
For the old year lies a-dying.Alfred, Lord Tennyson ( Read more... )

historical, spike, author: petzipellepingo, drusilla

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Comments 9

curiouswombat April 24 2007, 12:09:28 UTC
Great read - and oh how I love the photo.

I wonder whether Spike or Dru munched on the plump juicy bishop?


petzipellepingo April 24 2007, 13:05:41 UTC
Sadly, the Bishop is only part of the procession - and therefore separate from the Buttenmandl.


scarlettlily April 24 2007, 14:36:33 UTC
Very interesting, I like this series about how to spend the holiday season.


petzipellepingo April 24 2007, 21:51:14 UTC
Yup, nothing like a little mass murder to liven up the holidays.


makd April 24 2007, 15:54:22 UTC
A neat fic, and the photo? Love it! (And they found two demons to accompany Santa, whom, IIRC, Spike said was a demon, too!)


petzipellepingo April 24 2007, 21:52:00 UTC
I think it was Anya who claimed Santa was a demonic child murderer but point taken.


alwaysjbj April 25 2007, 07:25:03 UTC
Fabulous little fic... It's actually rather sweet and romantic in a very bloodthirsy way...so very Spike and Dru!

Love that photo!


petzipellepingo April 25 2007, 07:59:31 UTC
Yeah, I always love these little bits of the ancient religions that have stuck around through the centuries. And thanks for reading.


spikendru May 5 2007, 02:44:40 UTC
Oh, I enjoyed this! It sounds like New Year's Eve is a much better holiday for vampires than Halloween.


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