Miles to Go - ficlet

Jan 27, 2007 22:51

Title: Miles to Go
Author: lilachighRating: PG13 for language ( Read more... )

xander, spike, author: lilachigh, ficlet, btvs: s3, btvs: s4, willow, cordelia

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Comments 6

scarlettlily January 28 2007, 03:16:33 UTC
Hehe this was perfect.


lilachigh January 29 2007, 00:34:45 UTC
thank you


shinodabear January 28 2007, 14:19:39 UTC
Hee! Cute. :)


lilachigh January 29 2007, 00:35:21 UTC
thanks for reading. Glad you liked it.


spikendru January 28 2007, 21:08:53 UTC
I really enjoy all the sides of Spike, and it's so nice to see a fic where he's still pre-chip, pre-soul. Poor Xander - as if he didn't already have enough troble with his car! Loved the resolution of the Xander and Cordy arc, too. I'm sure M.E. just forgot to film this scene.


lilachigh January 29 2007, 00:36:22 UTC
So glad you liked the story. Yes, I love writing pre chip, pre soul Spike. Sometimes I think writers, including myself, make him far too nice.


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