The Gift drabble

Feb 12, 2007 23:41

Title: Sibling Rivalry
Author: lilachighShe watched her jump - lightning flashed, clouds rolled and the split in the dimensions closed. There was her body, lying at the base of the tower. She could see Spike, crumpled by grief - the others devastated by her death ( Read more... )

btvs: s5, dawn, buffy, author: lilachigh

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Comments 3

scarlettlily February 13 2007, 02:10:16 UTC
Whoa that was a switch, kind of funny in a bad way since damn that was kind of mean of Buffy.


ozma914 February 13 2007, 08:56:25 UTC
Buffy's an older sibling ... of *course* there have been times she's wanted to push her sister off a high place. :-)


aamah February 16 2007, 13:01:57 UTC
Love it!
Doing the Snoopy happy dance!

*drops head and looks sad*, too bad about Dawn.


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