Council ficlet

Feb 10, 2007 23:12

Title: Sleeper
Author: lilachighRating: PG ( Read more... )

warren, quentin travers, back-story, author: lilachigh, ficlet

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Comments 10

scarlettlily February 11 2007, 04:56:20 UTC
Oh my god! Warren is a sleeper cell!!!! Wow never saw that coming and it was just perfect!!!


lilachigh February 11 2007, 16:36:27 UTC
thank you. I always thought he seemed to be controlled by someone!


ozma914 February 11 2007, 07:47:03 UTC
Holy cow ... the Watcher's Council beats all the best conspiracy theories, hands down.


lilachigh February 11 2007, 16:36:50 UTC


shinodabear February 11 2007, 14:53:25 UTC
Could use please put this behind a cut, as it is longer than 100 words. Thank you.

*slips off mod hat*

This was really cool. Totally didn't see that end coming. How freaky and cool would that have been?


lilachigh February 11 2007, 16:37:23 UTC
So sorry. Have put it under cut. Glad you liked it, though.


shinodabear February 11 2007, 17:32:46 UTC
Thank you.


hesadevil February 11 2007, 18:16:05 UTC
Your characters are so true to life. You always include the little 'business' details that have nothing to do with the plot but everything to do with the mood and setting. Here you've captured the men's club perfectly.

I was so scared the 'Sleeper' was going to be Spike until I reached another vampire lover .


zanthinegirl February 12 2007, 15:56:20 UTC
Clever twist; I never saw that one coming!


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