Ashes to Ashes

Feb 10, 2007 18:52

Author: Always_jbj
Title: Ashes to Ashes
Rating: PG
Word count: 300
Characters: Spike and Giles
Summary: Just a little scene that soo could have happened while Spike was a 'guest' in Giles' home.
Thank you to selene2 for the pretty!

Ashes to Ashes )

btvs: s4, author: alwaysjbj, spike, missing scene, giles, ficlet

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Comments 17

sl_podcast February 10 2007, 08:55:13 UTC
hehee I love this.. I love the Spike/Giles snarkery. Can I read this on my podcast? I'm doing a Giles show soon.


alwaysjbj February 10 2007, 08:57:05 UTC
LOL. Thank you! Yes, you may...thanks again!


hesadevil February 10 2007, 10:02:54 UTC
I enjoyed this very much. As soon as the 'fellow Englishman'/i> began speaking I knew it had to be Giles. Even when he was 'dark', Wesley retained his proper gentleman speech pattern. You have just the right amount of scathing irritation in the way Giles addresses Spike.

The Ashes ... EXTREMELY serious stuff!
Indeed. But what I want to know is - when did Giles get cable?


alwaysjbj February 11 2007, 01:20:27 UTC
Thank you. I'm glad you enjoyed it. There's always just a little bit of 'Ripper' lurking just under Giles' tweedy surface. lol

Indeed. But what I want to know is - when did Giles get cable?
LOL...shhhh! I'm sure Spike would have found a way...I mean, it's the Ashes!


zanthinegirl February 10 2007, 13:18:07 UTC
Hee! Very cute!


alwaysjbj February 11 2007, 01:21:17 UTC
Thank you!


shinodabear February 10 2007, 14:57:30 UTC
Teehee. Very cute.


alwaysjbj February 11 2007, 01:21:56 UTC
Thank you!


a2zmom February 10 2007, 15:37:41 UTC
Perfect. No matter Giles' dislike, they're going to bond over cricket.


alwaysjbj February 11 2007, 01:27:15 UTC
LOL...of course...and they can commiserate together over their loss to a superior cricketing nation!

*ducks and runs and HOPES I haven't just jinxed us for today's one day final!*


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