A Dance With Death

Feb 10, 2007 08:51

Author: Always_jbj
Title: A Dance With Death
Rating: PG
Word count: 905
Characters: Spike
Season: Pre-series
Thank you to slaymesoftly for beta'ing for me!

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author: alwaysjbj, historical, spike, ficlet

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Comments 10

petzipellepingo February 9 2007, 23:37:16 UTC
Lovely, just lovely. I have a special fondness for newly turned William and this hits all my favorite sweet spots.
Upon locating her he knew that he would, from this point on, never fail to recognise when a Slayer was nearby. The feeling of power that emanated from her was almost intoxicating and he’d found himself trailing her movements, watching from the shadows as she fought and destroyed seven of his kind with unprecedented ease, granted they didn’t have the benefit of the Aurelian bloodline, nevertheless the numbers alone should have been enough to ensure their victory. He knew in his bones, in his blood, that here was an opponent worth facing.
Yes, finally someone who Spike really can't be sure he can beat, it must have been a magical moment for him.


alwaysjbj February 10 2007, 00:01:48 UTC
Thank you! I'm so glad you enjoyed this. It was a bit of a departure from my usual writing and was a lot of fun to write. I loved the scene where Spike first learned of the existence of slayers...the look in his eye... he was hooked!


hesadevil February 9 2007, 23:52:20 UTC
Sorry for the double comment wrong icon on th first one.

Exquisite, poetic description of the Chinese Slayer at work. Spike's fight with her is one of my all-time favourite scenes and you've captured the beauty of her 'dance with death'.

There's also the sexual undercurrent as Spike watches her unseen, just as his did Buffy in the Bronze in School Hard.

he hadn’t expected her to be so small and childlike, and yet with eyes that held a weariness far beyond her tender years.
I can picture her exactly as she appeared on the screen

I've written a 'sword dance' in my one and only Spuffy fic, except the 'dancers' there were Spike and Buffy. I called upon my own knowledge of the Tai Chi Sword Form in my fic. From where did take your inspiration?


alwaysjbj February 10 2007, 00:06:33 UTC
Thank you. I'm glad you liked the story. I wanted it to be very poetic, it seemed to suit Spike and I could imagine him watching the slayer 'dance' and composing poetry in his head. lol

My inspiration simply came from watching the scenes on the show.. the one with the Chinese slayer, and also the one where Angelus 'threatens' him with the slayer...they were both such wonderful scenes.


scarlettlily February 10 2007, 04:08:15 UTC
Very interesting. I can see Spike totally studying up on her and being completely ready to take her on. Good job.


alwaysjbj February 10 2007, 08:25:16 UTC
Thank you! Yes, I can see Spike putting a lot of research into finding out about slayers.


zanthinegirl February 12 2007, 16:13:31 UTC
Such a beautifully captured moment! Gorgeous descriptions here, very visceral. Nicely done!


alwaysjbj February 27 2007, 22:59:39 UTC
Thank you, sweetie! I'm so glad you enjoyed it.


goddessarashi February 27 2007, 22:57:18 UTC
Oh this is good. I am impressed by your mastery of words. Thank you for the sharing and giving incite to this. Very good.

Live in honor.

Blessed be.


alwaysjbj February 27 2007, 23:02:29 UTC
Thank you for your lovely comments. I am so glad you enjoyed it.


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