In Search of Spike - ensemble, one-shot, post-chosen, post-nfa, spikendru

Feb 06, 2007 22:23

In Search of Spike

by spikeNdru

General/No pairing
Rating: PG
Summary: Lydia Chalmers survived the destruction of Council Headquarters. She wants to get on with her life, but she needs a purpose.

Disclaimer: All characters belong to Joss Whedon, Mutant Enemy and 20th Century Fox.

Many thanks to makd for her usual wonderful beta.

Originally written for summer_of_spike



Lydia Chalmers was released from hospital nearly two years to the day she had been brought in burned, broken and comatose. She was spared the pain of bones knitting and burns healing through the natural anesthesia of her coma. One day, two years later, she opened her eyes, attempted to sit up and announced that she had work to do; but her weakened muscles were not yet ready to be put to work. She had gone to a nursing home for rehabilitation - strengthening her body with various exercises and her mind by catching up on all that had happened in the world while she had been asleep. But the newspapers and TV broadcasts didn't tell her what she needed to learn.

Six months after arriving at the rehabilitation center, she was able to walk with the use of a cane, but in a few months, she wouldn't even need that. She had brought herself as up-to-date as possible on the news of the world and was ready to leave. She contacted the firm of solicitors who managed the trust fund from her grandfather, and they assured her they would see that her flat was opened and her things brought out of storage. She could go home within the week.

Lydia purchased a brand new laptop and got to work. The two news items that had most interested her were the collapse of Sunnydale, CA into a giant crater and the destruction, a year later, of the LA branch of Wolfram and Hart. W&H had appeared to suffer major earthquake damage, yet the surrounding buildings were unaffected. She was reasonably certain both would turn out to be unnatural disasters. But the subject that was always at the top of her list and in her thoughts, ever since she had done her thesis on him, was Spike, aka William the Bloody. She couldn't wait to find out what he'd been up to!


The Plan

Lydia stared at the list of e-mail addresses in front of her and thought hard about the messages she would send. She needed just the right touch, and tact had never been her strong suit. Lydia sighed. She supposed that since she wasn't sure she could pull off tact, she may as well go for honesty - although Quentin would probably be rolling in his grave at the very thought. He had never believed in telling anyone anything they didn't specifically need to know-and he decided what they needed to know. The man had hoarded information like gold! He'd been the poster boy for the maxim Knowledge is Power, and Quentin didn't share power. Although, if he had been more forthcoming, especially with the Slayer and her erstwhile Watcher, maybe things would have turned out differently. Quentin may not have lost his life, and she wouldn't have lost nearly three years of hers. But that was water-under-the-bridge now.

Grandfather's money had proved very helpful in allowing her to hire a private enquiry agent, and she now had the e-mail addys of all but the one in which she was really interested. Still and all, some of those on her list should know something about his whereabouts. She wasn't quite sure why she felt it was so imperative to find him; she just knew she had to do so. She told herself it was scholarly interest-so much had happened that she really must update her dissertation-but even as she formulated the excuse, she knew it for a lie. His piercing blue eyes, knife-edged cheekbones and lithe body had stalked the recesses of her mind during her long sleep, until he became the only real thing in a landscape of coma-induced dreams. So, she'd find him, and then she'd see . . .


The Correspondence


Dear Mr. Giles,

I trust you remember me - Lydia Chalmers from the previous incarnation of the Watcher's Council - and I hope this finds you well. I don't know if you are aware that I survived the destruction of Council Headquarters by agents of The First Evil, but I was seriously ill for some time and am now making a slow recovery. I do not wish to speak ill of the dead, but I wanted you to know that I did not agree with Mr. Travers' edict to withhold information available to the Council from Watchers in the field, especially from the Watcher of the active Slayer. I apologize for our shortsightedness, and hope you will accept my apology. But that is neither here nor there, at this point. I am writing because, after a long and boring process of physical recovery, I am attempting to retrain my mind in the discipline of research via updating my thesis on William the Bloody. As you were personally acquainted with the subject of my research, I would be very grateful for any information you would care to share with me regarding Spike, aka Wm. the Bloody. Any help or information you can give me would be very much appreciated.

Lydia Chalmers

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Dear Ms. Summers,

My name is Lydia Chalmers. I realize that the last time we met, the circumstances were not ideal, but it appears that you managed to defeat the hellgod, even though we of the Council were not of much assistance, so . . . congratulations! I, also, managed to survive the machinations of The First Evil, so we have something in common. Erm . . . go us! (Was that the correct usage of slang?) I ask because I have been out of touch for some time during my convalescence, and I have no wish to offend you, especially as a prelude to asking for a favor.

As you may know, I wrote my thesis on Spike, aka William the Bloody, and have become aware that it is woefully out-of-date. I understand you spent quite a bit of time in his company prior to the closing of the Hellmouth, and I wondered if you would care to share any information about his actions, and insights into his character that you may remember? I realize that several years have passed since you last saw him, but as I found him quite memorable, I hoped that you might be able to recollect some anecdotes.

Thank you for your time, and I would be very appreciative of whatever information you might wish to share.

Lydia Chalmers

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Dear Ms. Summers,

My name is Lydia Chalmers, and I am was a representative of the Watchers' Council. I must tell you that I am not inquiring in any official capacity, as I do not know if the Council even exists any longer. I have been out of touch for some time, recuperating from The First Evil's preemptive strike at the Council, in which our Headquarters was destroyed, and many good and decent people died. Oh, I beg your pardon. I had forgotten your age, and probably should not be mentioning these unhappy, violent occurrences of which I still have nightmares, and I am an adult. Although, given how much time has passed, you are most probably an adult, also. You were 14, I believe, when I last visited Sunnydale, although I did not have the pleasure of meeting you at that time, so you must be . . . around 20, now? But, I digress.

The reason I am contacting you is that as part of my rehabilitation, I am attempting to update my thesis on Spike, aka Wm. the Bloody. I understand that you and he had developed an almost brother-sister relationship, one could say, and I would be very grateful for any anecdotes/insights you would be willing to share, as that type of relationship seems to be unique in the history of vampire-human encounters.

Lydia Chalmers

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Dear Ms. Rosenberg,

I am sure you remember me from the Council's visit to Sunnydale, and I would like to apologize for any discomfort you may have experienced as a result of that visit. I must say that I, for one, was very impressed with your unique efforts to assist the Slayer in her work! As a matter of interest, were you ever able to develop the spell to create a ball of sunshine?

I am writing because I am planning to update my thesis on Spike, aka Wm. the Bloody, and would very much like to hear any information and/or insights you may have on him. Hope you are well, and I am very much looking forward to hearing from you.


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Dear Mr. Harris,

My name is Lydia Chalmers. You may remember me from the Council's visit to Sunnydale several years ago? I would like to apologize for casting aspersions on your ability to help in the fight against evil, as I have been informed that you were directly responsible for saving the world the following year. I'm afraid I don't know the details, but would like to congratulate you anyway. It was very brave of you.

I am updating my thesis on Spike, and as you roomed together on several occasions, I thought you might have information/insights into his behavior/character that the others lack. I would be very appreciative of anything you can tell me, and although not relevant to the current inquiry, I'd love to hear about your saving the world, if you'd be inclined to tell me.

Lydia Chalmers

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Hey, Lydia. Dawn Summers, here. Yep, definitely an adult now. In fact, I'm now a member of the new Council. I finished secondary school in Switzerland and am now functioning as Giles' assistant and taking courses (I suppose I should say 'reading') Classical and Ancient (Pre-Christian) languages at Oxford, so you needn't worry about my tender sensibilities. *g*

I'd love to talk to you about Spike's and my friendship. I should have some time over the weekend to gather my thoughts, and I'll e-mail you then. You should really talk to Clem. He was like Spike's best friend in Sunnydale. You can contact him at

I haven't seen Spike in a few years-not since before he died-but he came back as a ghost and was working with Angel ( but I don't think Angel's too big on using e-mail, and I don't know if that addy's still valid. (I got it from Andrew.) The same goes for the other people Spike was working with: and or If you do manage to track him down, tell him to PLEASE contact me, okay? Tell him I'm really sorry for the way I treated him, and I won't tell Buffy if he doesn't want me to, but I'd love to know how he's doing and if he's okay. Thanx.

Dawn Summers

Oh, Buffy's boyfriend knew him back in the day and might have a unique perspective -

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My dear Ms. Chalmers,
Dawn Summers told me that you were looking for recollections from the intimates of the Vampyre known as Spike. We spent a lot of time hanging out together, and once we went on a road trip together that was totally a bonding experience. I have also had the pleasure of seeing Spike more recently than most of the others, as I undertook a mission as Mr. Giles' right-hand man to make the perilous journey to LA to track down a rogue slayer, in which mission I was ably assisted by Spike. I would be most happy to tell you of my experiences with the blond Vampyre, and I still have the scar where he bit me! Looking forward to hearing from you,

Andrew Wells

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Hey, Lydia-
Andrew just mentioned that he e-mailed you and I just wanted to warn you that although Andrew is a real sweetie and doing well with the Council, sometimes he has a tendency to, um, exaggerate a little bit, especially where Spike's concerned. So, if he offers to show you his scar and tells you anything about a claiming ritual and Spike wanting Andrew for his minion because they were so simpatico, well, that would be one of those little exaggerations. What really happened is Andrew had been sort of temporarily evil, so he was our hostage and we had him tied up and we had Spike tied up, too, because he was being triggered by the First at the time, but Spike's like really strong and he broke the ropes and Andrew just happened to be available and Spike bit him.

But Spike wasn't himself and he managed to work through it and eventually defuse the trigger, but there was NO ritual and no claiming and no eternal bonding-outside of Andrew's fantasies, anyway. Also, Andrew's not really Samwise to Spike's Gandolf the White, so if he gets into all that, the best thing to do is just smile and nod. 'K?


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Oh, yeah, I certainly do have insights into Spike's character! You can't leave beer in your own refrigerator in your own apartment 'cause he'll drink it without even asking and never offer to replace it, so you come home from work in the hot sun and your beer's all gone. He never picks up after himself - believe me, you haven't lived until you're almost poured coffee into a mug that was hanging on the mug tree when you're late for work, and fortunately just happened to notice the totally disgusting film of dried pig's blood in the mug before you poured the coffee in! And he leaves the towels on the floor after he showers, like he thinks they're gonna jump up and hang themselves on the rack! And he crumbles up Weetabix in his blood to give it texture, and adds burba weed or Tabasco to spice it up. And I'm pretty sure he cheats at poker, but I just haven't figured out how yet. And maybe pool, too. Gotta go, but if I think of any more things, I'll pass 'em along. We want the records to be accurate, right?

Xander Harris

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Dear Faith,

I apologize for addressing you so familiarly by your Christian name, but I don't believe I know your surname, or if I did, I've forgotten it. As you may have heard from others of your acquaintance, I am attempting to update my thesis on Spike. Any recollections you may wish to share will certainly be appreciated.

Thank you,

Lydia Chalmers

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Yo, Faith here. It's "Lehane." My last name. Not much to say coz I didn't know Spike all that well. We kinda got off on the wrong foot, y'know, what with me being a slayer and him bein' a vampire and all. We sort of hung out a few times while we were all under siege by the First, and he's an okay guy for a vamp. He's tryin', y'know? And easy on the eyes, when you get down to it. Don't know that we'd ever become friends or anything like that, tho, coz he was pretty much B's pet vamp and I owe a hell of a lot to Angel so . . . it's complicated. But he did good - died to save us all in Sunnydale. That's all I got to say, yo.

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Dear Mr. Clem,

I understand from Dawn Summers that you were one of Spike's closest friends. Some years ago, I wrote my graduate thesis on him, but so much has happened in his, and all of our lives since that time, that I fear it is woefully inadequate in its current form in defining his unique situation. Therefore, I would be very grateful if you would wish to share any remembrances. I am looking forward to hearing from you.

Lydia Chalmers

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My dear Ms. Chalmers,

May I say how very glad I am that you survived the destruction of the previous Council, and how very surprised I was to hear from you? I had not been aware that there were any survivors, and your e-mail gave me quite a shock - in a pleasant way, of course.

Ring me up, when you get the chance. I'd be happy to show you the official diaries, which I continued to maintain, even after my separation from the Council.

As you may know, my associates and I have reformed the Watcher's Council-under slightly different parameters than you may have been used to, due to the current situation encompassing multiple slayers (see Rupert Giles, 2003, Vol.1). Perhaps you would join me for tea, and I can bring you up to speed on the current incarnation of the Council? We can discuss your possible return to active status, if you are interested in returning.

Looking forward to hearing from you,

Rupert Giles

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Hey Lydia-Andrew Wells, here. I haven't received your reply to my previous e-mail yet, so you might want to re-send it. Sometimes there are glitches in the system, and I'm sure there are thousands-maybe hundreds of thousands-of undelivered mails, just floating around in cyberspace . . .

Anyway, in my attempt to assist you in your research on the blond Vampyre Champion, known to his intimates as 'Spike', I have contacted his last known associates on your behalf. No need to thank me - I'm happy to do whatever I can for Spike.

I regret to inform you that although I have personal knowledge of Spike's favorite food, I have sworn an unbreakable oath never to tell anyone of that conversation. Should I betray his confidence, he may have to kill me. Ha, ha! Only kidding. I think.

So, if you hear from the LA contingent, don't worry, I wrote to them and explained what you were trying to do.

Andrew Wells
First Assistant to Mr. Giles
The Watcher's Council, 2.0

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I have nothing to say to you about Spike. He may annoy the hell out of me, but when the chips were down, he stood by my side in the fight. He understands the importance of continuing to fight because it's the right thing-the only thing-we can do. Unlike some people, who don't give a shit about the actual mission because 'it's not our policy to cure vampires' who have been poisoned, and who think it is perfectly okay to take a productive slayer, who puts her life on the line on a nightly basis, disable her and set her up to be killed.

If Spike wants you to know anything about his personal life, he'll tell you himself. I'm certainly not going to, because I don't see that it's any of your business, lady.


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The half-breed fights well. He is stubborn and enjoys doing violence. He is loyal. He has proven to be superior to the teeming mass of pond scum. He likes beer. He is adept at Crash Bandicoot, but cannot make the large monkey do his bidding.

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Sorry I haven't gotten back to you before this. I was on a retreat with the coven and am kinda wiped right now, but in a good way-not veiny at all! Just checking my mail before heading up to beddy-bye. The past week was sorta intense and I feel like I could sleep for days.

I'll get back to you later-

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Hey, Lydia. I thought of some more things. If he gets distracted while making popcorn and lets it explode all over the microwave so the whole house stinks, he just goes out. Doesn't even bother to clean up the mess or spray air freshener around or anything. What does he care? He doesn't have to breathe! And he sniffs people. That's sort of gross and really annoying. I'll get back to you if I think of anything else.


. . . . . . . . . .


That's quite all right. I completely understand. You don't need to apologize for not getting back to me sooner. I'm aware that you have important work to do, but I am very much looking forward to hearing from you, when you have the time.

Take care-

. . . . . . . . . .


Hi there, Lydia! {waves} It was really nice that you thought of me, and I'm honored to be considered Spike's friend. Yep, we spent a lot of time together. We originally met playing poker and found out we liked a lot of the same things and I guess you could say we had a close friendship. I used to crypt-sit for Spike whenever he had to go out of town, and I'd also Dawn-sit the Slayer's sister sometimes when Spike wasn't available. Not that I was trying to horn in or anything (I don't actually have horns). I mean, we were all clear that Spike was her regular babysitter, and I was just helping out when he wasn't available.

Spike and the Slayer had a lot of *issues*, if you know what I mean, and whenever they were in the *off* phase of their on again/off again relationship, Spike and I'd get together and hang out. I'd bring over a bucket of hot wings and Spike would provide the beer (for him) and the Dr. Pepper (for me) and we'd watch Knight Rider or Kolchak:The Night Stalker marathons. If there wasn't a marathon on, we'd usually watch Passions or Baywatch (I'm a big David Hasselhoff fan, and I think Spike enjoyed watching the sun on the beach, 'cause he can't go out in the sun himself. Or maybe it was the girls in the red bathing suits that he liked, but their skin was way too tight for me).

Spike's a real nice guy (except when he's dealing with those *issues*, you know?) and a good friend.

Hope this helps,

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You're having a party, and I've not been invited, but I've come to play. I saw a television programme and the roving gnome told me about you. The library lady searches for Spike, it said. And then it said something about hotel reservations, but I didn't understand that part. My Spike's not a bad dog any more. He's gone to play with daddy and left me all alone. It made me quite unhappy. No more roosters in the henhouse. I must go find my gnome - he'd be such good company for Miss Edith.

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Hi Lydia,

I've got a paper due that I really should be working on, but I figured I'd better get back to you before more things piled up. You wanted to know about my relationship with Spike. He was sort of like an older brother to me - but a way cool older brother. He used to take care of me-and Mom, too-when Buffy couldn't be around. He would've done anything to protect me, and not just 'cause he was in love with Buffy like Xander used to think! I think he really liked me for myself - and Mom, too.

He used to come over to visit and she'd make him hot cocoa (he loved the kind with the mini-marshmallows) and sometimes the three of us would play rummy or we'd make a big bowl of popcorn (Spike always asked for extra butter) and watch a movie.

Spike taught me how to dance and he was way better than Justin Timberlake, even. I used to be sort of a klutz, but Spike just said that was because my legs grew so fast and the rest of me just hadn't caught up yet. He used to like to think he was the Big Bad, but he was always very patient with me.

He got a little over-protective after Buffy died (the second time) because he blamed himself for letting me get cut-although he did everything he could, and it really wasn't his fault. Anyway, he blamed himself and he swore he'd never let anything hurt me again. He took really good care of me all those months that Buffy was dead, so Xander was way off base. But then she got brought back, and she and Spike developed some *issues* and I didn't see him as much as I would have liked. And then he left and got his soul back and there was that thing with The First and a gazillion Potentials took over the house and there were all these other *issues* . . .

But I'd really like to see him again - see how he's doing and I'd love to have him back in my life as my friend. I really miss that.


. . . . . . . . . .


Dear Dawn,

Thank you so very much for all of your help, both in sharing your own recollections with me and in putting me in touch with others of Spike's acquaintance. The picture that is emerging is truly fascinating. I was not aware that vampires had so many - 'layers' would be the appropriate term, I believe. It appears that the more I learn about Spike, the more enigmatic he actually becomes.

I don't wish to impose upon you, but I have one or two questions for you, if you don't mind. I have received a rather incoherent e-mail from someone whose nom de plume is 'wckdplum' which seems to consist mainly of references to chickens and dogs and traveling gnomes. However, this person appears to know Spike and is somehow aware that I've been seeking information about him. Would this 'wckdplum' perhaps be someone you have contacted on my behalf? I'm forwarding you a copy. If you could perhaps look it over and give me your opinion, I would be very appreciative.

Also, I have not yet received a reply from your sister. I realize that as the Slayer she is exceptionally busy, but I believe that in all probability, she knew Spike better than anyone and her input would be quite invaluable. However, several people have mentioned “issues” in regards to her relationship with Spike - and did I understand you to say that he was in love with her? A vampire in love with the Slayer? I can certainly see how that would make her feel uncomfortable. I don't believe there's ever been a precedent for a vampire in love with a Slayer. Unless, of course-Angel. I had forgotten that Angel was also apparently in love with her. Is there any possibility that your sister possesses some kind of . . . thrall? That would make a fascinating side issue to explore.


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Why are you asking my little sister about my love life? I don't know that it's any concern of yours, but yes-Angel and I were in love. We still have feelings for each other, but we've both moved on. Yes, I freaked when I found out Spike was in love with me. Mostly because I was under the mistaken impression that vampires were incapable of love. Wonder where I got that idea? Oh, yeah-the Watcher's Council!

I'm only writing to let you know just how wrong a lot of your information was. Vampires are not just demons animating corpses, as you people originally told me. I've gotten to know enough of them personally by now to know that. And I knew Harmony as a person before she became a vampire, and let me tell you, I don't see a whole lot of change. As a matter of fact, Harmony was probably eviler as a human. Oh, not evil-evil-not like Warren or Professor Walsh-and as a vampire, she's pretty lame. So yeah, vampires can love without souls. I think Harmony really did love Spike, and Spike definitely loved me. But I wouldn't accept it-wouldn't give him a chance to be good. I just kept telling him he was an evil, soulless monster, when in reality, I treated him much worse than he ever treated me. By the time I realized that I was in love with him, it was too late. He didn't believe me. He died to save the world and it was too late . . . And then when he got brought back, he went to work with Angel in LA and never tried to contact me, so I don't know how he feels anymore. Yes, I still love him, but he's obviously gotten over me-not that I blame him-so I've moved on with my life. End of story.

Oh, and your weird e-mail? I'm betting it's from Drusilla. She was always pretty crazy-well, not always. Angelus drove her crazy and Spike spent a hundred years taking care of her. But she is clairvoyant, and since you've been looking into Spike, she'd probably know that. Oh, and Spike used to call her his 'ripe wicked plum'.

If you have a burning desire to know about my love life, you come to me and stop trying to pump my sister for information, okay? We clear?

. . . . . . . . . .


Hi there! You don't know me, but my name's Harmony Kendall and Andy said you were talking to people who knew Spikey? Well, we had a *thing* a few years ago. Dorcus had just dumped him for a Fungus demon and she hurt him real bad. Or maybe it was a Chaos demon. I don't remember. Anyhoo, I tried my best to make it up to him, but then he fell in love with the Slayer, of all people! That's just kind of creepy. I mean, all couples have arguments sometimes, right? But why would you want to get involved with someone that if you even just had a teensy weensy argument would probably stake you? That's just - ulk!

Anyway, I set up an e-mail account for Spikey when I was employed as Angel's personal assistant, but I don't know if he ever bothers to check it. It's, if you want to try and contact him, but he probably won't answer.

Give Andy a kiss for me when you see him, and tell him I'm totally gonna try to meet him in Paris for the Spring Collections. I've always wanted to go to France. Tell him I'll get back to him and we can work out the details.

Harmony Kendall :)

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Oh, and he smoked in bed and got a big old burn mark on the high-thread count Egyptian cotton sheets Anya and I had gotten for a wedding present. I was planning to give them back when the wedding didn't take place, but I kept forgetting to ask Anya who they were from and then Spike just helped himself to them and ruined them!

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The always charming Buffee Summers has told me you wished to know about my encounters with Spike.

Ah, Angelus and William the Bloody. Such amusing boys. They were always so very entertaining-so . . . intense. The stories I could tell you . . .

My apologies-I must go. An urgent matter requires my attention.

Arrivederci, lovely Lydia-

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Dear Mr. Giles,

I would certainly be most interested in returning to work with the Council. I hadn't dared to hope that a position would be available. As my recovery progressed, I had given thought as to the type of position for which I would qualify, and a return to the Council is definitely top of the list. I am honoured that you would suggest the possibility. As you know, my background is primarily in Research, but I would be more than willing to fill any opening you may have.

Tea sounds lovely, and I am very much looking forward to meeting with you for further discussion. Thank you again.

Warmest regards,
Lydia Chalmers

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Dear Lydia,
Some things have come up, and I have to leave the country for a few weeks, so sorry I don't have time right now to fill you in on Spike. Let me just say that although Spike and I had our ups and downs over the years, he really came through for us in the end. And Tara always saw his potential. She thought he could be a good guy, given half a chance. And, believe me, I'd trust Tara's perceptions more than my own any day. So, maybe we can get together when I get back, but gotta go pack now.


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My dear Willow,

Think nothing of it. I quite understand the constraints of duty. I hope you have a safe and productive trip. I would very much enjoy getting together upon your return, and am looking forward to hearing from you.

Safe trip-

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And he calls people stupid names like 'prat' and 'git' and 'pillock'. Oh, wait. You're British. Maybe you say stuff like that, too. Sorry.


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Dear Mr. Harris,

You may rest assured that I have never called anyone a 'prat' or a 'git' or a 'pillock' in my life. Well, maybe 'prat'. Once. While I was at university.

Lydia Chalmers

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Lydia printed out copies of all the e-mails. She found it easier to organize her thoughts when she had physical pieces of paper to move around, compare, and make notes in the margins. It allowed her to see the bigger picture in ways that clicking from screen to screen never could.

She slid her glasses to the top of her head and rubbed her tired eyes. She had made an excellent start. And this was just the beginning. She had the possibility of returning to a job she loved and she was developing contacts that may eventually become friends. Her life was back on track and it was all thanks to William the Bloody.

Lydia went into the kitchen and put the kettle on to boil. As she was returning to her study, she heard a knock at the door. Lydia glanced at the clock. Only 9:25. She'd thought it was much later. She looked out the peephole in her door and saw a strange man raising his hand to knock a second time. He looked up and she saw his eyes, and then she knew.

Lydia opened the door and stood staring at him. Gone was the black leather duster; it had been replaced by a cream-colored fisherman's sweater and faded blue jeans. His hair was sandy brown instead of platinum, and definitely in need of a trim, but she'd know those eyes anywhere. And the devilish grin.

“Hullo, pet. Hear you've been askin' about me.”

Lydia gripped the door tightly. She managed to nod. The loud whistle of the tea kettle caused her to jump.

“Well, then. Invite me in for a cuppa an' I'll tell you all about me.”

The End

post-chosen, one-shot, author: spikendru, post-nfa, ensemble, lydia

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