Ficlet: Pining

Feb 05, 2007 22:11

'Nother one from the archives. As gen as it gets, but it's got a William the Bloody poem in it!

Title: Pining
Author: beer_good_foamy
Timeline: Season 7
Rating: PG13
Disclaimer: Joss owns the characters, I own nothing but a can of pineapple which I plan to eat as soon as I've posted this.
Summary: Four potentials. One vampire. Some fruit. Some bloody awful ( Read more... )

potentials, spike, btvs: s7, author: beer_good_foamy, kennedy

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Comments 11

scarlettlily February 5 2007, 23:17:06 UTC
This was cute. Good job.


beer_good_foamy February 5 2007, 23:57:09 UTC


hesadevil February 5 2007, 23:47:34 UTC
Sweet like the pineapple (love the reference to Spike not liking peaches) but with such sadness beneath the surface, for both SITS and Spike.

And that final farewell from Cloe...

sorry for the double post, the earlier one was tactless of me.


beer_good_foamy February 6 2007, 00:06:07 UTC
Thanks a lot - I'm still not sure if this piece should qualify as comedy or tragedy.

(And don't worry about it, no offense taken whatsoever and you were probably correct - in which case I claim poetic lie-sense. ;-) Though apparently, tinning did come into wide use about the same time William Pratt was alive and well and living in London - doesn't say anything specific about pineapples, though.)


hesadevil February 6 2007, 00:12:17 UTC
It's a tragi-comedy in the good ol' English theatre tradition.


hesadevil February 6 2007, 00:18:13 UTC
Victorian Kitchen 1890s, new food. The 19th century's a passion of mine.


myfeetshowit February 6 2007, 02:37:40 UTC
What a wonderful mix of homey, funny, sad. There is almost a sense of family. Spike, the black sheep of the older generation talking to the younger, who aren't quite sure whether to sympathise or take on the attitudes of their elders.


beer_good_foamy February 6 2007, 10:15:34 UTC
Thanks a lot! There is almost a sense of family. Spike, the black sheep of the older generation talking to the younger - yeah, I agree. There was always something family-like about the similarities between vampires and vampire slayers... Becoming powerful, but paying for it with part of their humanity... or worse (hence Chloe).


shinodabear February 6 2007, 20:30:47 UTC
Ha! Cute. The peaches reference is adorable. ;P


beer_good_foamy February 7 2007, 00:46:18 UTC
Thanks! Couldn't resist a little dig at Angel...


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