Fic - "Living a Dream"

Aug 19, 2010 23:55

Written for the current month's "Happiness Happens" theme on still_grrr and this week's focus on S4 of

Title: Living a Dream
Author gillo
Rating G
Word Count 919
Author's note: Dawn's memories of a happy moment. Before she actually existed, but who's caring about that?

Living a Dream )

btvs: s4, spike, dawn, buffy, author: gillo, ficlet

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Comments 6

petzipellepingo August 19 2010, 23:49:00 UTC
Aww... poor Dawnie. Never to be a flower girl.


gillo August 20 2010, 00:08:42 UTC
I know. Not really existing should not be a barrier to being a flower girl!

Thanks for reading!


slaymesoftly August 20 2010, 00:11:12 UTC
Hee! This was lovely - so fun and yet poignant - for all concerned, only a brief period of fake happiness.


gillo August 20 2010, 00:34:02 UTC
Thank you! Fake upon fake upon fake. But the happiness was real. And allows me to use my Spuffiest icon. *g*


zanthinegirl August 20 2010, 10:58:34 UTC
LOL! I love Dawn's excitement over the dress and the Not Uncool Fiance. Hee!


gillo August 20 2010, 13:00:10 UTC
Thank you! You just know very young Dawn would have Harmony's sense of style!


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