Quick fic

Feb 12, 2010 01:56

February is Love Month at still_grrr and this week's prompt is any het pairing. This is sentimental tosh, post-NFA. Only the very end is shippy really, but Spuffy is pretty much a given.

Title: Things Can Have Meaning
Author: gillo
Rating: G
Word Count: 858
Characters/Pairing (if any) Spike/Buffy, Dawn
A/N: Valentines are for happy endings. Post NFA schmoop.
Things Can Have Meaning )

one-shot, spike, post-nfa, dawn, buffy, author: gillo

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Comments 4

rahirah February 12 2010, 03:02:56 UTC
Aw. :)


gillo February 12 2010, 13:21:20 UTC
Thank you!


hesadevil February 12 2010, 13:07:02 UTC
Absolutely smashing.

One typo He glared at Dawn who retreated without another word. - should be She glared.

One Zippo icon -
... )


gillo February 12 2010, 13:20:56 UTC
Thanks for the typo! There really should be Zippo!fic, shouldn't there?

Thanks for reading and commenting so nicely.


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