Title: Mary Sue Got Harried
Author: Ozma914
Summary: A group of watchers and slayers taking a creative writing class are assigned a simple lesson in author intrusion. But nothing’s ever simple when magic is -- literally -- in the air. (Note: This is set in my fictional universe in which magical spells have helped heal Dana’s mind and the
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Comments 8
As long as nobody in the class tries to sell their stories to a publisher, I can’t imagine anything going wrong.”
Famous last words, methinks. And why do I think Dana's going down a dangerous track?
I enjoyed this. I don't usually let my pupils write fanfic because it tends to be much worse than their original stuff, but it's a fun idea. Looking forward to more.
And of course a Watcher passionate about the Oz books couldn't possibly be a Mary Stu.
BTW, one title above says "Mary Sue", the other "Mary Stu". Is consistency worth worrying about? *g*
I'm not sure where that Mary Stu came from, but I changed it back. A few people have jumped on me for not calling Richard a "Marty Stu", or some variation, but since Mary Sue has become more of a description than a name I think it fits okay.
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