Mary Sue Got Harried, Chapter 1 of 14

Feb 07, 2009 04:49

Title: Mary Sue Got Harried
Author: Ozma914

Summary: A group of watchers and slayers taking a creative writing class are assigned a simple lesson in author intrusion. But nothing’s ever simple when magic is -- literally -- in the air. (Note: This is set in my fictional universe in which magical spells have helped heal Dana’s mind and the ( Read more... )

multi-chaptered, ozma914: mary sue got harried, author: ozma914, ensemble, drama, post-chosen, humor, original character

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Comments 8

slaymesoftly February 7 2009, 12:50:01 UTC
ROFL Can't imagine anything going wrong, huh? I'll bet you can...and will! Another fun visit to this verse you've created. :)


ozma914 February 8 2009, 07:00:08 UTC
It's certainly possible that those words will come back to haunt Richard ... :->


gillo February 7 2009, 13:26:27 UTC

As long as nobody in the class tries to sell their stories to a publisher, I can’t imagine anything going wrong.”

Famous last words, methinks. And why do I think Dana's going down a dangerous track?

I enjoyed this. I don't usually let my pupils write fanfic because it tends to be much worse than their original stuff, but it's a fun idea. Looking forward to more.

And of course a Watcher passionate about the Oz books couldn't possibly be a Mary Stu.

BTW, one title above says "Mary Sue", the other "Mary Stu". Is consistency worth worrying about? *g*


ozma914 February 8 2009, 07:18:08 UTC
Dana's role in this will surprise people -- I hope. In fact, I'm hoping to throw several surprises out in this story; but it's hard to fool Buffy fans.

I'm not sure where that Mary Stu came from, but I changed it back. A few people have jumped on me for not calling Richard a "Marty Stu", or some variation, but since Mary Sue has become more of a description than a name I think it fits okay.


brunettepet February 7 2009, 15:22:40 UTC
This is an intriguing start. I'm enjoying your original characters as much as your canon characterizations and I'm looking forward to the consequences of this seemingly innocuous but fun assignment.


ozma914 February 8 2009, 07:12:17 UTC
It's always a bit dangerous using original characters -- after all, people tune in to see the ones they know and love. But there'll be plenty of grief for everybody!


postholedigger February 8 2009, 05:54:46 UTC
"I can’t imagine anything going wrong" heh, famous last words. Great start!


ozma914 February 8 2009, 07:07:38 UTC
I felt it was important, after all that exposition, to show things were going to get just a little out of control after this. :-)


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