
Sep 29, 2008 20:30

Figured I'd post a few unrelated drabbles I've written recently and am pretty happy with.

As usual, it all belongs to Joss, yada yada yada.

Buffy & Ford, 'Lie To Me' )

andrew, angel, btvs: s3, ats: s3, drabble, cordelia, spike, author: beer_good_foamy, btvs: s2, btvs: s4, willow, larry, jonathan, missing scene, btvs: s5, btvs: s7, giles

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Comments 4

slaymesoftly September 29 2008, 22:23:24 UTC
Was nodding and smiling until I got to that last one. We'll just pretend it never happened and I'll give you cookies anyway. 'k?


beer_good_foamy September 30 2008, 10:43:47 UTC
...Hey! I like that one! :-)

Well, OK, I'm easily appeased by cookies. Thanks!


sockmonkeyhere September 30 2008, 03:28:22 UTC
These were great! I especially loved "Tech Support" and "Pronounce It Properly." My favorite was "Incomplete" -- bittersweet and sad and inspirational and touching.


beer_good_foamy September 30 2008, 10:45:20 UTC
Thanks! Larry really got a raw deal.


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