Xander Trains the New Slayers: December 20, 11:35 AM

Aug 31, 2008 16:59

Another one-shot entry for an IDW message board forum fanfic challenge.

Author: sockmonkeyhere
Rating: PG
Challenge Requirements: Write an AtS/BtVS fic that includes a dog and a holiday.

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potentials, post-chosen, one-shot, xander, humor, author: sockmonkeyhere, ficlet

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Comments 2

petzipellepingo August 31 2008, 22:27:27 UTC
"points to icon and snickers"


sockmonkeyhere August 31 2008, 22:32:07 UTC
Bwaha! That was the scene I wanted to study to get the movements down. Instead I had to rely on YouTube footage of NB performing it at conventions.


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