
Aug 16, 2008 01:04

This ficlet was written for the IDW Comics message board's August 2008 "Outta the Box Challenge."

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post-nfa, oz, author: sockmonkeyhere, ficlet, drusilla

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Comments 7

myfeetshowit August 16 2008, 15:06:45 UTC
Ah, I've missed this universe!

I love the interaction between Jordy and Drusilla. Jordy's such a practical little werewolf.

I'm only vaguely familiar with the comics universe, but the emotion and tension in the second half are compelling. If I'd picked up a book at random without knowing anything further I'd be flipping to read the blurb right now, and strongly considering buying it.


sockmonkeyhere August 18 2008, 03:41:34 UTC
Aww, thanks! It is a problem inherent in writing "After the Fall"-based fics that many AtS fans haven't seen the comics. (I'm really enjoying the IDW version of Season 6, by the way. And SQUEE, it has many Spreddy bits! *see icon*)

Here's a link to transcripts of the "Angel: After the Fall" series (aka Angel Season 6), in case you're curious about what's happening but don't have a way to see the comic books:

Jeremy, the guy at the end of my ficlet, is a new recurring character introduced in the Spike spotlight AtF issues. He's a creation of writer Brian Lynch, and is a fan favorite.


myfeetshowit August 18 2008, 23:59:23 UTC
I'm trying not to get into the comics! I've got so many stories I'm not writing at the moment. I don't need inspiration for more! 8D


danegen August 17 2008, 00:25:41 UTC
That was nifty. Love Dru's reaction to the wee werewolf.


sockmonkeyhere August 18 2008, 03:04:10 UTC
*g* I think Dru would make a fabulous babysitter for Jordy. (And only Dru could make the Brownie Girl Scout smile song sound perverted.)

Glad you enjoyed; thank you!


spuffyduds August 17 2008, 01:20:56 UTC
So, SO cool! Love the cry of the "whos" being used by a desperate human. Love just seeing your name again, too!


sockmonkeyhere August 18 2008, 03:23:05 UTC
Yay, you got the "We are here" connection! I was hoping that most readers were familiar with the Whoville story, so that the ending would be a bit more than just some guy freaking out.

I've missed you, too! I've been rec'ing your stuff (and Washaway's) on the IDW forums.


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