Confessional - Drusilla

Jan 29, 2007 11:13

Written for open_on_sunday
Prompt: Mea Culpa
ConfessionalThe sound of weeping drifted through the open door, up the stairs towards the woman huddled in the corner of the darkened bedroom ( Read more... )

author: hesadevil, drabble, historical, back-story, darkfic, drusilla

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Comments 4

myfeetshowit January 29 2007, 12:55:31 UTC
Very chilling without being grotesque. Again, I'm impressed with the choice of detail.


hesadevil January 29 2007, 17:20:14 UTC
The inspiration for it came from a very recent discovery of an old Drusilla back-story by deborahw37 which she's promised to 'proof read and post here sometime. When I read the prompt, the drabble virtually wrote itself.


myfeetshowit January 30 2007, 01:07:58 UTC
It is amazing how that happens sometimes. If only it would happen more often!


hesadevil February 5 2007, 12:37:27 UTC
I wish.


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