A Vengeance Demon Is Born

Jan 25, 2007 23:14

Oh I am delighed to have this community to post my general stories, here is a new one I wrote today.

Title: A Vengeance Demon Is Born
Author: woman_of_
Characters: Cecily, D’Hoffryn
Word Count: 609
Acknowledgements: thirdblindmouse for the beta. Thank you so much! Your help is much appreciated ( Read more... )

historical, cecily, back-story, author: woman_of_, ficlet, halfrek, d'hoffryn

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Comments 10

hesadevil January 26 2007, 00:03:56 UTC
How fitting that yours should be the first entry on the archive that was born from a discussion on your own LJ. Thank you.

I think Halfrek's back-story is a first too. Reading it brought Halfrek's tender treatment of Dawn to mind when she accepted D'Hoffryn's offer.


woman_of_ January 26 2007, 00:12:46 UTC
I am overjoyed to be the first entry! It must've been fated, well if we are to believe in them, as I had it completed today. In fact my little offering has been so well recieved, I may do some more general stories in the future!

Such a wonderful resource this community will be as well. I am sure more people will enjoy the stories here, there is a demand for general fic but difficult for people to find it.

Good Luck!


aurey09 January 26 2007, 20:25:39 UTC
"The haughty ones were the easiest to recruit." That was my favourite line. Halfrek's back-story fits well with what we know of her in the show.


woman_of_ January 26 2007, 20:36:06 UTC
Oh thank you so much! I'm glad you thought it was an apt backstory for her.


scarlettlily January 26 2007, 21:24:54 UTC
Wow that is an awesome way to look at how Cecily became a vengenance demon. Great job.


woman_of_ January 26 2007, 21:47:38 UTC
Thank You! I was delighted when I wrote it on the day the community opened, fate or what?

Glad you liked my little offering!


spikendru January 27 2007, 02:09:44 UTC
I think the flash-backs were some of my favorite parts of the show. I love back-story and this is so wonderfully Halfrek! Thank you for sharing this.

Um . . . this is the only Cecily icon I have. Not a commentary on your fic. *g*


woman_of_ January 27 2007, 13:50:07 UTC
Thank You, glad you enjoyed my little offering! I like to let my imagination go with a little back story, all the major characters were covered in cannon, but fun to play with the lesser ones.

I loved the icon, and one more Cecily one than I have!


myfeetshowit January 29 2007, 04:10:16 UTC
I love reading largely unexplored areas of the buffyverse. A very chilling, and likely possibility to explain Halfrek.


woman_of_ January 29 2007, 07:58:15 UTC
Thank You, yes, I thought something must've happened in the childhood to explian her wanting to grant childrens wishes. And of course her "Daddy Issues".


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