What's this all about?
* Ever read a fic and think, wow, what a fascinating story, but if I had written it, I would have... Well, now here's your chance to do just that. Rewrite someone else's story, tell somebody else's tale. Take the work of another person and wrap it up in your vision and style, just like a remixer does to songs.
NOTE: Sign-ups
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Comments 30
Yes, I know that it's hot on the heels of RemixRedux, but there are so many ficathons around, and it's so very hard not to clash with them. We've just had Remix, we're soon going to have Multiverse, then the finish-a-thon, then NaNoWriMo, then Yuletide... and there goes the year. Since Multiverse is usually around this time of year, I thought it better to start as soon as possible (so as to hopefully have the deadline earlier than Multiverse) rather than wait for Multiverse to be over, since the start-time of Multiverse has ranged from March to May, it isn't that predictable.
You might be interested in joining the finish-a-thon which I'll be running over September-October. The idea of the finish-a-thon is that it's a ficathon for finishing your own stories. They have to be stories that aren't part of any other ficathon; you give a list of WIPs and/or story ideas, and folks vote on which one you have to finish. Then you have 8 weeks to finish it. Sort of like NaNoWriMo only not so difficult.
Your Name: Alara Rogers (alara_r)
Your email address: alara at mindspring dot com
Your website/fic index: http://www.alara.net/aleph.html
Fandoms in which you've written at least three (3) 500 word stories: Star Trek, X-Men Comics, Farscape, Gatchaman
Top Three Fandoms you'd like to write in: Star Trek, X-Men Comics, Farscape
Other fandoms I would write in: Buffy (not Angel), Smallville, X-Men Movieverse, Gatchaman, Firefly, Heroes, Blake's 7
Safe Story: None, but beware the WIPs... my catalog is full of them
Remix(es) Written: Desperate Memories Lie, Where No Mutant Has Gone Before, Suddenly Falling In Love, can't name it yet because it's still anon in the current remix
Stories of yours remixed in past remixes: A Confession, The End of the World, The Mother of a Mutant, The Grave
Pinch hit? No
Your email address: livitrumps@lycos.com
Webstie Location: http://www.fanfiction.net/u/925803/
Fandoms in which you've written at least three (3) 500 word stories: Stargate SG-1, Quantum Leap, I Dream Of Jeannie, Battlestar Galactica, Bewitched the series
Top Three Fandoms you'd like to write in: Stargate SG1, Quantum Leap, Battlestar Galactica,
Other fandoms I would write in: Stargate Atlantis, Star Trek: Any Series, Macgyver, MASH
Safe Story: none
Remix(es) Written: None
Pinch hit? Yes
My Name: Aadler (aadler_)
My email address: aadler27 @ hotmail . com
My website/fic index: http://aadler.iwarp.com/1_storyindex.htm
Fandoms in which I've written at least three (3) 500 word stories: Buffy the Vampire Slayer / Angel: the Series
Top Three Fandoms I'd like to write in: Buffy/Angel, Smallville, Alias.
Other fandoms I would write in: Maybe Firefly, maybe Veronica Mars, maybe Heroes, maybe Lost (in sharply descending order of likelihood)
Safe Story: “Critical Review”
Remix(es) Written: Can’t say yet, but I’ve got one up at remixredux right now, waiting for the archive to open
Stories of mine remixed in past remixes: “Voices in the Dark”
Pinch hit? Only in direst emergency. And then I might say no. But maybe.
Your email address: sroni2004@yahoo.com
Your website/fic index: http://www.livejournal.com/tools/memories.bml?user=sroni2004&keyword=Story&filter=all
Fandoms in which you've written at least three (3) 500 word stories: Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Angel.
Top Three Fandoms you'd like to write in: Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Angel, and Harry Potter.
Other fandoms I would write in: Um... that's basically it, unfortunately. I don't consider myself familiar enough with other fandoms.
Safe Story: Enemies. (Honestly, I wouldn't care, except I plan on going back and fixing it.)
Remix(es) Written: I can't actually tell you yet, since the remixredux isn't open to veiwing.
Stories of yours remixed in past remixes: I don't know yet.
Pinch hit? I'd be willing, but... my schedule is weird.
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