
Voice Actor Adventures

Mar 19, 2019 07:31

Livejournal is small and intimate enough that I can write here sometimes, so I might do that for little things like this.  As mentioned in my last post I’m doing the gaming and writing thing.  And I think I also mentioned how I am now also hiring voice actors.  We hired an amazing fellow named Luke (NOT a furry, just someone we contacted with a ( Read more... )

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Comments 6

Fascinating Read kmo March 19 2019, 12:08:31 UTC
I write and draw a webcomic series for a political organization. Once the audience size reaches a certain threshold, the plan is to turn it into an animated cartoon. If all goes according to plan, I might be in the same position you were in over the past year ( ... )


Re: Fascinating Read gen March 19 2019, 12:37:54 UTC
If you ever want to hire voice actors I will be happy to help you out! Although be prepared to pay at LEAST $100 per actor per job. You can probably get cheaper, but you will also get what you pay for ( ... )


Re: Fascinating Read kmo March 19 2019, 12:49:42 UTC
Our Hollywood writer's contributions end with strip #11.


Re: Fascinating Read kmo March 19 2019, 12:51:38 UTC
Ha! Stoopid robots. The thing that everyone calls a "hashtag" these days was called "pound" or a "number sign" (mostly the latter) when I was growing up. So when I wrote (number sign) 11 in the previous comment, LiveJournal auto formatted it as a link.


kmo March 19 2019, 12:57:56 UTC
When you get to the 3 strips that take place in an off duty recreational area (look for a couch), they will be easier to understand if you have a sense of the space in which they take place.


gen March 20 2019, 01:49:28 UTC
Before I forget, Prester_Scott was happy to see your nape pop up here and see that you're still around!

Also, what program did you use to build the room layouts?


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