The Golden Truths in Rumors (Beetlejuice; Lydia; G; #150: Rumor)

Mar 10, 2012 11:49

Working Title: The Golden Truths in Rumors
Author: Pirate Turner
Fandom: Beetlejuice
Rating: G
Challenge: #150: Rumor
Date Written: 10 March, 2012
Disclaimer: All characters belong to their rightful owners, not the author.
Author's Note: This one ended up having an extended scene; if any one wants to read it, just let me know. :-)

Whispers followed her every day everywhere she went, but they were the worst at school. There, the other girls didn't bother to whisper and laugh low enough that she couldn't hear them.

"She's Goth."

"She doesn't believe in Jesus."

"She doesn't believe in anything."

"Yeah, she does. She believes in ghosts."

"She practices black magic."

"She's going to Hell!"

The rumors never stopped, but one day, when Lydia had had enough, she turned to face them. "Ghosts are real, and you can keep your God! But you'd better be glad I don't practice black magic, because if I did, you'd all be frogs!"

The End

author: orlidepp, challenge 150: rumor, rating: g, fandom: beetlejuice

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