Title: A Beautiful Friendship
Author: Kat Lee
Fandom: Hotal Transylvania (Mod, could you fix my author tag, please, -- this is OrliDepp at a new name -- and add a fandom tag for Hotel Transylvania?)
Characters/Pairing: Count Dracula
Rating: G
Challenge: #193: Light
Word Count: 100
Disclaimer: All characters belong to their rightful owners, not the author.
He tried to focus on what was yet to come and the good things in his existence rather than the fact that he was standing in the shadow of another man, a much younger man, a mortal, a human. The Vampire's eyes turned blood red momentarily, but his daughter's silent warning stopped him. Dracula had no further time to think about what he was doing before a light began climbing over the horizon. He stopped and stood utterly still as the golden rays filled his vision. Then, he smiled for Jonathan's friendship had brought yet another beautiful thing to him.
The End