We Know Why the Caged Knox Sings

Mar 13, 2005 00:45

Continued from hereFred, Faith and Lorne are keen to track down Knox and make him sing so we can figure out what's going on. I look over at my twin and shrug; it's the best idea any of us can come up with and, honestly, probably the quickest way for us to get into the little weasel's mind ( Read more... )

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Comments 39

_hot_wesley_ March 13 2005, 01:53:23 UTC
"I will."

Blast. I wish we wouldn't do that. It's getting rather annoying.

I go for the keys, but Lorne intercepts me. "I'll drive." He shakes his head at the both of us, and I open the door for Fred.

When Faith walks by, I take her arm, making her look me in the eye. "You and I are going to talk later."

Stupid? Absolutely. Grabbing a Slayer like this is completely idiotic. However, Faith and my twin were up to something before Fred and I walked in, and I want to know what that 'something' was. Releasing her, I get in behind Fred, and the five of us head to Knox's house.


sciencegrl_fred March 14 2005, 19:29:27 UTC
There's silence in the car as we head to Knox's place except for the few times I have to give Lorne directions. Nothing like not being sure what you've walked in on and a lab accident caused by your soon-to-be former assistant to make sure that everyone is really, really on edge and not wanting to talk. I look over at Wesley and fidgit a bit - this all reminds me a little too much of what happened last year with Professor Sidel.

But it has to be done. I know that; every person in this jeep knows that. Knox violated my trust, and tried--no, he did hurt Wesley. Badly. I never in my life thought I could hate anyone as much as I did Professor Sidel, and now I know that I do - moreso even because it involved someone I love and care about a lot.

It doesn't take long for us to reach Knox's place, an apartment complex a few miles from the office building. His place in in one of the farthest back buildings, so Lorne drives us around and parks. We then all pile out, Wesley taking my hand and helping me out.


_hot_wesley_ March 14 2005, 19:41:28 UTC
Once Fred is out, I open the hatch to where the weapons are stored. I spot the crossbow, handing it over to her, before picking up my 12 gauge. Bloody wonderful piece of equipment, if I do say so myself. Unfortunately, he grabs for it at the same time.

"Pardon me, but that's my shotgun," I say to my...twin.


gfs_wesleypryce March 14 2005, 19:44:50 UTC
I look down at the shotgun we're both holding. Why should he be the one to get the 12-gauge? As far as I'm concerned, we both have equal rights to it.

"It's mine, too. Or have you forgotten already?"


sciencegrl_fred March 15 2005, 19:02:39 UTC
Good lord, those two are really turning out to be a handful. If someone didn't know any better, they'd probably think these two were simply twin brothers who are dressed alike and not the same man...or two men with the memories of the same man.

Once they've sorted out which weapons they're going to take, everyone turns to look my direction, ready to go, Wesley arming the shotgun. Hefting the crossbow, I square my shoulders and lead the way to Knox's second floor apartment.

While the others stay out of sight on either side of the door, I knock a few times until we finally hear movement inside. The door cracks open just enough for him to see me standing there. I keep the crossbow out of sight so he won't get suspicious.

"Fred?" he asks. He closes the door so he can unlatch it and open it wider. "What's going on?"

By the time he realizes that I have company out here with me, it's too late.


_badass_slayer_ March 15 2005, 19:20:59 UTC
I hold back a snicker at the little man standing infront of us. This little shit is responsible for The Double Mint Twins? Dude, this is too easy.

Bargin' in, I tackle the squirt, forcin' him to sit on the couch by holdin' his arms.

"What the? Who are you?"

"Your worst nightmare. Actually, no. I take that back. The pissed off chic standin' behind me with a crossbow is your worst nightmare. Me? I'm just here to make sure you get what's comin' to ya."


sciencegrl_fred March 15 2005, 20:54:42 UTC
I can't help but snort a bit at Faith's comment to Knox. I didn't really get to know her when she was in Los Angeles last year, but she's pretty cool, and boy, does she know how to deal with a person. Knox stares at her like she's going to bite his head off at any moment and then looks over at me ( ... )


_badass_slayer_ March 16 2005, 19:35:36 UTC
I smirk when Fred presses the crossbow against the twerp. Wimp Boy sings for Lorne, and I think all of us are shocked when the Green Guy growls or whatever. He glances at the Ken Dolls, before givin' us the 411 on what he saw.

"Oh, yeah, he meant to do what he did. He was hoping to get rid of you. Didn't count on a second book man being created."

Fuckin'. A.

This guy is toast, yo. But, since I'm all reformed and shit, I can't be doin' the toastin'. This is Fred and Wesley's issue. I'll assist, though. Hell, yeah, will I ever assist. All they gotta say is the word, and I can have this guy tied down and gagged, or even punched out. It's all five by five with me.

"Looks like your plan backfired on ya, Wimp. And if I were you? I'd be wishin' for a fuckin' miracle right now, cuz that's the only way you're gettin' outta this alive."


_hot_wesley_ March 17 2005, 19:33:56 UTC
Lorne punches him, Faith punches him, and just now, Fred backhanded him across the face and kneed him.

I can honestly say, I haven't had this much fun in quite awhile.

Approaching the weasel Knox with a smarmy grin, I cock my shotgun, pointing it righ at his chest.

"No, please! I'll do anything! Don't shoot me! I was only following orders!"

I let him beg, but his voice begins to grate on my nerves, so I slap him to shut him up. "Do be quiet. We have a most pressing matter to deal with."

"Fred, love, whatever shall we do with this traitor?"


gfs_wesleypryce March 17 2005, 19:47:36 UTC
As Fred strikes and knees Knox, I look over at Faith, raising my eyebrow. She looks like she's enjoying herself. Can't blame her for that since I feel the same way, as wrong as that may sound. However, this has been a long time coming. I always knew this little pratt was hiding something when it came to Fred. Never thought it would be wanting to murder her to rebirth some sort of demon, though.

My twin is standing with the shotgun pointed to Knox's chest. I shake my head, listening to Knox begging for his life. He wasn't going to give us the same consideration, yet we should show him mercy.

I think not.

Finally, the other Wesley forces him to shut up. Good.

"Fred, love, whatever shall we do with this traitor?"I definitely have a few ideas. Wonder if he's thinking along the same lines I am ( ... )


sciencegrl_fred March 17 2005, 20:30:57 UTC
Illyria. That name sends cold chills through me, like someone walking over my grave. Of course, if Knox had had his way, it would have been just that because the use of my body to rebirth some god doesn't sound pleasant, no matter what he says.

As the second Wesley tells him to shut up, I move to stand next to my Wesley. What should we do with him? A very dark part of me - the part of me that wanted revenge on Professor Sidel, the part of me that took over sometimes just so I could survive in Pylea - wants to just shoot him and get it over with. He wanted to kill me and Wesley, after all. Why should we give him any consideration otherwise ( ... )


_badass_slayer_ March 18 2005, 21:49:33 UTC
I make sure the little fucker stays puts while Wes and Fred discuss what they want to do with him. Not that he could goin' anywhere, what with the gun pointed at his chest. But, hey, I'm here as backup, so if he tries anything funny, I'll rip him a new one.

Slick tells him to shut it, and I flash back, momentarily, to when we interrogated that one-hormed demon in a bar last year. Good times. When our little 'situation' is taken care of, I need to have a convo with him about bein' my Watcher again. Want to give that another go.

Fred asks Wes about some spell or whatever, and Wimp Boy pushes into the cushions like he's tryin' to escape. Nice try, but I don't think so.

"Move again, and I'll show you what a Slayer can do," I warn, gettin' right in his face so he knows I mean business.


_hot_wesley_ March 19 2005, 01:19:14 UTC
I find the proper incantation from my books, then after eading over it quickly to be sure I'm ready, I smile at Fred and walk up to Knox. "Any last words?" He starts to speak, but one glare from Faith stops him. "No? All right, then ( ... )


sciencegrl_fred March 19 2005, 01:44:53 UTC
"Klyv mat chyvma, klvma chyt."

When Wesley speaks the words that open the portal, for a moment, I'm back in Professor Sidel's office. I remember how much saying that incantation took out of me, how much power it drains, and I can see Wesley working hard and silently to control the magicks through the crackles of electricity.

When we get ready to push Knox in, I look at him on last time. I hate him for what he's done and tried to do to me and Wesley, but most of all, I hate him for the fact that he almost managed to convince me that this place and the people who work here aren't that bad. I know for certain now that there is no "not so bad" with Wolfram and Hart - everything about it is evil and corrupt, no matter how we try to sugarcoat it or claim that our influence can have an impact. I thought I could trust the people I work with and look where it's gotten me...and us.

"One...two...three. Push!"And with that, he's gone. Sucked into the portal, never to return if we have our way. The incantation opened to a very dark world ( ... )


gfs_wesleypryce March 20 2005, 22:48:00 UTC
I'd like nothing more than to get out of here - go somewhere, anywhere else. It's really too early for Chinese food, though I hate to tell Lorne that, but breakfast would sound good right about now. Especially after all the night's events.

Which reminds me of something. We forgot all about it in our haste to deal with Knox.

"Ummm...what about the results from the blood tests you were running in the lab?" I ask Fred, who turns her head to look back at me. I hate to remind her of this after all she's been through - Knox wanted to murder her after all, but a part of me wants to know for certain that I'm not some sort of...monster. "Would those be ready by now?"


sciencegrl_fred March 20 2005, 22:58:51 UTC
"What about the results from the blood tests you were running in the lab? Would those be ready by now?"

The DNA tests. I had forgotten all about them and probably wouldn't have remembered them until much later, probably about the time I next walked into the lab though truth be told, the way I'm currently feeling, I'd be very happy never to go in there again. Not that that's really possible, of course, but at least Knox will never be there again.

I glance over at the clock on the wall. "Yeah, the should be really by now." I look up over at Wesley - my Wesley, the one I'm standing next to - again and absently reach out to rub my hand on his arm. "Do you want to go see what they say?"


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