I'm so hyper-aware of how much I touch my face now! I never realised. I hope you can work something out with your travel. I'm seeing a lot of travel insurance horror stories in the wake of all of this.
For once the American airlines are ahead of the government leadership! ITS WILD!
Delta let us cancel our flight and we have 9 months to use our credit. No fees.
It's... almost as if they understand that THEY could save lives by just letting people stay home for awhile rather than fly around, crossing all borders, canned in with 300 people and recycled air, just to SAVE MONEY since most seats on a plane are Economy Class, meaning POOR PEOPLE excited for a damned vacation they saved up for.
So... that's nice.
The budget European airlines we also booked tickets with? DIFFERENT STORY.
Not just viruses... but we have MASS DEATHS, all the time.
There are an average of 20 SUCCESSFUL suicides per day from our population of U.S. Veterans and active service members.
I wonder if the virus has put a halt on mass murders by crazy-dude-with-a-gun activities... or just overshadowed it for awhile...
The National Institute of Health estimates we have 40,000 deaths a year that are directly related to POVERTY. Ie: health conditions that go untreated or who wait too long for treatment, or go without their medications because they cannot afford a bad diagnosis, treatment, or prescriptions, so.... um... yeah.
The thing is? The richest of the rich... aren't vets, aren't poor, and aren't going to be caught dead (heh) at a rock concert, high school, movie theater, or protest, so... this is the first time old rich white people have been afraid in a LONG TIME.
I wouldn't know... once my best friend called me a 'bigot' against pretty people because she was trying to support a plus size (size... 10?) LINGERIE MODEL and I was like, "She's pretty. So what? I'm not one to feel like I have to cheer for someone who is SLIGHTLY out of the acceptable model norm, just for being SLIGHTLY out what is *expected
( ... )
Everyone is scarred,... and most people are 'overweight'. But whether you are too fat or too thin... too tall or too short, too dark to too pale.. you're TOO SOMETHING to be feel good about yourself apparently.
Comments 16
Delta let us cancel our flight and we have 9 months to use our credit.
No fees.
It's... almost as if they understand that THEY could save lives
by just letting people
stay home
for awhile
rather than fly around,
crossing all borders,
canned in with 300 people
and recycled air,
just to SAVE MONEY
since most seats on a plane are Economy Class,
excited for a damned vacation
they saved up for.
So... that's nice.
The budget European airlines we also booked tickets with?
Thanks for the good wishes!
We here in the US are freaking out over a new virus.
There are an average of 20 SUCCESSFUL suicides per day from our population of U.S. Veterans and active service members.
I wonder if the virus has put a halt on mass murders by crazy-dude-with-a-gun activities... or just overshadowed it for awhile...
The National Institute of Health estimates we have 40,000 deaths a year that are directly related to POVERTY. Ie: health conditions that go untreated or who wait too long for treatment, or go without their medications because they cannot afford a bad diagnosis, treatment, or prescriptions, so.... um... yeah.
The thing is? The richest of the rich... aren't vets, aren't poor, and aren't going to be caught dead (heh) at a rock concert, high school, movie theater, or protest, so... this is the first time old rich white people have been afraid in a LONG TIME.
And what MAKES it ugly?
I look forward to your before and after pictures! It sounds like an awesome project.
Hopefully you get most, if not all of your money back and be able to reinvest it into a fantastic adventure!
Yes! Yes, and *fingers crossed*!
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