Okay Okay

Apr 16, 2012 10:58

So, hey guys, it's been a minute.
Let's see here, we've been busy, I don't have much excuse for not posting other than that I suppose. Lot's of biking and working.

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chelsea, bikes, brian, shopping, photos, eddy, clothes, boat, cats

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Comments 20

talonvaki April 16 2012, 15:40:28 UTC
I LOVE those toe shoes! I have several pairs and wear when whenever I can get away with it. I hate wearing shoes so these are amazing!


gemcitytiffany April 16 2012, 18:13:45 UTC
He might still get some, but they weren't what he needed at the time lol. He needs a new pair of all purpose shoes that he can wear to work and on bike rides. Biking shoes are best with a very rigid sole, so these were the opposite of what he needed haha


socarefully April 16 2012, 15:41:01 UTC
Great to see a post from you.

I would love to go on a grope bike ride at night...that sounds like lots of fun.

Also I can imagine my dog would love to meet other dogs at a bar.

I added you on twitter...although to be honest I only really use it to moan about things. So far I have not tried instagram.


gemcitytiffany April 16 2012, 18:17:07 UTC
Night rides are awesome. We all have our bikes all lit up and it's just a blast.

I don't post as much on twitter as I used to, but I use instrgram at least once a day lol, I do usually push those through to twitter though.


socarefully April 17 2012, 10:43:50 UTC
I tend to leave my ipod at home a lot...so I cannot really see myself using instagram....maybe one day I will try it.


sakkebomb April 16 2012, 16:57:09 UTC
I've missed you!

Man...Brian! He looks totally different! 130lbs..holy moly!!

Those cakes are totally and completely rad. Griffin would die with that train cake!


gemcitytiffany April 16 2012, 18:19:03 UTC
Thanks! He's doing so great!

It's funny, the train cake I was sort of weird about because it wasn't my design. Someone sent me a photo of a cake and said "I want this." Which isn't usually what I do, but she's one of my regular customers so I went with it anyway.
When I saw the photos on her facebook, I didn't even instantly recognize the cake as being my work hahaha. It did come out super cute though. I loved the clouds.


endlessabsense April 16 2012, 18:00:58 UTC
Holy fuck, I am in love with that Golden Girls cake.


gemcitytiffany April 16 2012, 18:22:40 UTC
Thanks! The first one I made sort of went viral on tumblr, which is funny because I don't even use tumblr, but this one is even nicer than the first one!


endlessabsense April 16 2012, 19:01:36 UTC
That's awesome. I really wish you didn't live so far away, I would love for you to do my wedding cake.


ne_seul_jamais April 16 2012, 18:06:31 UTC
I totally LOLed at the Eddie boat story :D


gemcitytiffany April 16 2012, 18:25:59 UTC
Seriously, we've been getting him used the boat in the house and he LOVES being in it. So the night before we've got his little vest on and we're like trying to teach our friggen dog words like "BOAT eddy this is the BOAT... VEST... you need this in the BOAT."
So we pack the car and get him all hopping around saying "BOAT BOAT BOAT" and we get there and it was a total disaster.

When we got back to the car and were packing back up he was like whining. I think we traumatized him haha


rokklagio April 16 2012, 20:03:59 UTC
LOL! Too funny! One day he will get to know the true meaning of vest + boat!


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